Nickel allergy cured

Posted by christador @christador, Sep 4, 2016

This is kind of strange, but that's what prompted me to come here in order to post this. I want some kind of record since I am (hopefully and presumably) not the only one affect in this manner.

I have had a nickel allergy all of my life. I first discovered it in my early childhood by wearing blue jeans where the back of the button would leave a rash on my lower stomach. Through the years, I have learned to stay away from nickel and other metals--except that I play guitar. My love for the guitar and my nickel allergy have always been foes. I would practice and play until I would begin to get a rash. Oddly, the rash would change where it occurred almost monthly. Early on, it would appear on my inner thighs. In my mid-teens it would show up on my fingers; in-between...eczema-like. From then on, it mostly would irritate my fingers, but sometimes on my upper-right leg (like at the bottom of my right butt cheek). It has also caused boils on the bottom of my feet, although they seem to contain water and don't itch a ton. Over the years my conditions seem to slightly get better, but it has always been unpredictable--sometimes after playing for a couple of days a lot, I have not been too bad, and sometimes after playing for 10 minutes, I would really get a rash badly.... I have tried strings made of gold and another type made of stainless steel. The gold strings did indeed minimize the effects of the allergy, but severely degraded the playability and tone--AND the cost was significantly higher making it not feasible to continue to use them on a regular basis. Stainless steel strings were heavy, didn't sound as good, and still produced symptoms, possibly in part to the materials in the actual guitar (frets, pickups, etc.) and not the strings themselves.

So I was dining with my family and I ordered an Asian dish. I had really crazy spices in it--something I had not tasted before--and for the next three days, I had a rash that pretty much was all over my body (but concentrated in my midsection). That is the last time I remember having a nickel allergy. I usually play guitar for a couple hours a week - 10 minutes here and there, take a couple days off, play for 1/2 hour, don't play for a day or two... I had a makeshift schedule in my head that until now I hadn't even thought about. This allowed my to limit my exposure to nickel.

That bring us to today. I bought a new guitar (Paul Reed Smith if you must know lol!) and have been playing it like crazy. I noticed the lack of rash. I noticed the explicit absence of any reaction whatsoever. What's the deal? I don't know what to think. I am ecstatic, but at the same time a little reluctant to think it's totally cured. I have played for a minimum of 45 minutes per day since I first discovered the lack of reaction. So in the last few weeks, I have probably played more than I had played in the last six months or more.

Does anyone have any idea why this would happen all of the sudden? I am cautiously optimistic and am hoping and praying my allergy is finally cured. Thanks in advance for any insight.

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I also had misdiagnosed cases for shingles. two years ago I took the flu shot and developed the hives. this year did the same and I had the worse case of hives, rash over large parts of my body. now on prednisone and antihistamines. the flu shot does contain nickel. I am allergic to nickel. Was grateful for your post. thank you.

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I also have a moderate nickel allergy but never noticed a reaction to the flu shot. Now I want to know how much nickel is in the injection.
Like you reacted to a vaccine, I did get shingles for the first time a few days after getting the adult shingles vaccine, Shingrex. My dermatologist said it was directly related and happens to a small percentage of people. Shingrex is a series of 2 shots, needless to say I didn't go for the second shot months later. In my 50's I had the old fashioned singles vaccine and had no reaction.


I looked up ingredients in this years flu shot. It doesn't contain nickel, but like many vaccines it contains mercury (thimerosal).

I have 5 metal allergies and we know mercury builds in our bodies and is not good for us for multiple reasons.
I am not concerned about mercury as I did an herbal heavy metal detox for months. Detoxing by chelation, cleaning the blood medically can be done, but no need. I at home detoxed drinking fresh or frozen cilantro daily. This requires a minimum of 2-3 months, but it helped so much with one of my forms of eczema (which is still in remission a year later). This is a not witch doctor treatment, the cilantro chelates naturally and pulls the heavy metals, mercury, nickel and other metals out of your body. Google it, lots of information available about herbal chelation.


I am miserable right now from rash due to being an atopic person. They say I have Dyshidrotic Enzymatic dermatitis on my hands, face, elbows....I have very high intolerance to nickel.

I see people saying they get rid of their pots and pans...what are you using to cook with? Cast that the only safe ones? I just go brand new nice non stick pots and pans...I'm wondering if that has caused isses.

Also this really bad break out started I believe when I got the flu this year.

Any advice?


Hi! I am allergic to nickel on my body. No costume jewelry or I break out in a red, itchy rash. I do not have a problem with pots or pans. I hope you find relief.


I am not aware that any true allergic contact allergy can be cured, what happens is that with each new exposure you symptom reaction time is less and less and the symptoms become more severe. Yet I believe in miracles as I lived with adult leukemia for 15 years watching my blood count deteriorate slowly, they call this simmering, then 5 years ago the numbers started reversing without treatment. Even both types of cancerous lymphocytes are now normal, all is normal. Doctor says this is new to him, very rare.

That said, if your symptoms recur and you do or don't have a nickel allergy, or other allergy get the 5 Day Extended Patch Test from a specially licensed dermatologist or allergist. I had the True Test Kit and one other kit also so my back was covered with 78 patches for 5 days. With results I learned the names of preservatives, fragrance, elements in rubber, classes of steroids and adhesives i react to and I must avoid for life. I am not allergic to metal or dyes at this time. If you had a nickel allergy it will show up. I could never have guessed on my own what was causing my rashes. This test gave me my normal productive life back because I carefully control my contacts (harder than one can imagine, but doable). Ah- the blessing of a good night's sleep free from pain and itching.

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Hi friend, I have chemical allergies also and try to manage them with education and avoidance (like you) and steroid creams. What do you wear for a rain coat? I can't find any type of rain coat that doesn't have water-resistant chemicals. Thoughts?


Hi friend, I have chemical allergies also and try to manage them with education and avoidance (like you) and steroid creams. What do you wear for a rain coat? I can't find any type of rain coat that doesn't have water-resistant chemicals. Thoughts?

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Personally chemicals like Scotch Guard, water resistant chemicals plus a natural element from rubber used to synthesize the blending of materials will trigger my ACD .
In the rain I use an umbrella.


I am miserable right now from rash due to being an atopic person. They say I have Dyshidrotic Enzymatic dermatitis on my hands, face, elbows....I have very high intolerance to nickel.

I see people saying they get rid of their pots and pans...what are you using to cook with? Cast that the only safe ones? I just go brand new nice non stick pots and pans...I'm wondering if that has caused isses.

Also this really bad break out started I believe when I got the flu this year.

Any advice?

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Having 5 metal allergies including nickel s I cook safely on high quality stainless steel. . I avoid non stick pans because of other allergies.


I am miserable right now from rash due to being an atopic person. They say I have Dyshidrotic Enzymatic dermatitis on my hands, face, elbows....I have very high intolerance to nickel.

I see people saying they get rid of their pots and pans...what are you using to cook with? Cast that the only safe ones? I just go brand new nice non stick pots and pans...I'm wondering if that has caused isses.

Also this really bad break out started I believe when I got the flu this year.

Any advice?

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Are you taking a probiotic? I have nickel allergies too. Someone told me about taking a probiotic 5 years ago and it immediately started calming down my rash and then outbreaks didn't happen for about 4 years. Probiotics help remove nickel from your body. Baffled (and a little angry) that my dermatologist didn't suggest years ago. That said, my outbreaks started back and I don't know why. Anyone experience allergy being dormant for awhile and then re-surfacing?

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