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No Doctor can figure out what is wrong with me

Infectious Diseases | Last Active: Feb 14 8:15pm | Replies (34)

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Do your own research on Mast Cell Activation syndrome…..it’s VERY real. You have a LOT of flags for it…..I have it. I lived like you for 7 months…it’s as horrible. It was right after having the booster shot for Maderma. I also already had Ehlers Danlos and now they know I should never have had the booster. Anyway the protons on line for MCAS are generally vegetarian but that made me sicker. I decided that with O+ blood I’d go to the Eat Right 4 Your Type book and eat meat. I got the format for this from Dr Shawn Baker and his book….The Carnivore Diet. Also his YouTube stuff….but it made perfect sense to me. So you might want to try it. I went from 7 months in bed to walking around in 12 hours to today being pretty normal. I do not get off the protocol. If I do i get very tired and sleep a lot and have brain fog and breakout lesions on my face. Not worth it to me. Try it for a few days…..what have you got to lose?…..apparently I was horribly low on proteins you only get from meat. His core program is BBBE. Bacon, beef butter Eggs…..I stayed on that core program for 2 months…..I still eat closely to it every day adding a few things….and lots of chicken and other meats. …….check it out….I know you feel horrible…..been there!! God Bless

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Replies to "Do your own research on Mast Cell Activation syndrome…..it’s VERY real. You have a LOT of..."

Thankyou so much for responding!Someone else had mentioned MCAS too.It is definitely possible that it is involved in what is going on with me.I would not be surprised if the Pfizer Vaccine set this off too.I did not have a booster,but I had the Pfizer vaccine a year before this came on,but it is possible maybe the iron infusion/covid and the vaccine made my body go haywire.I already have Hashimito's and my immune system is not the Best so it would not take much.The lack of strength in my diaphram/sternum where it is supposed be pushing your belly down is just not there anymore.My belly has absolutely no strength either.I guess the signals are not working properly.It is so bizarre and I feel like the vaccine or covid are the only thing that could bring something that weird on.No Doctor I have seen understands what it is because they have not seen anything like it.It is something with the muscles and nerves throughout my body,but it also feels like I am being poisoned everyday.I don't know if the feeling of being poisoned could be the MCAS.I had tests run through an infectious diseases doctor.He was testing me for èverything including Myasthenia Gravis.An antibody for that specific test came back borderline,but labcorp did further testing and they said it was negative.He told me that he would have to diagnose me with CFS even though all of my symptoms don't match up.I think CFS is a real disease,but that is definitely not what I have.I am definitely going get Dr. Baker's Book and try the diet.I am desperate right now.It is so scary when you are sick for years and they can't find much of anything.Even if this is a really weird autoimmune disease I know diet will play a huge part.Thankyou so much for all of your helpful information!I am glad that you are doing better!