Large granular lymphocytic leukemia (LGL) questions

Posted by linepa2002 @linepa2002, Dec 1, 2023

I was dxed with LGL 1 1/2 years ago was on watch and wait even in remission for a short time. I was in the hospital not related to LGL my Hemoglobin was 9.7, my Hemocrit was 27.7 and my RBc was 3.04. Two weeks later I had labs done for my oncologist , my Hemoglobin was 8.9, my Hemocrit was 26.5 and my RBC 2. 72Now he wants me to start Rutoxan infusions and I am running scared. I am a 82 year old female. Any alternatives you have please let me know. Can labs drop that much that fast? Thank you
thank you.

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Dear @jumper123 from which time you diagnosed?

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I was diagnosed in March of 2023, with LGL, and recently have been put on Methotrexate, 20 mg per week, and it is a bit uncomfortable for the first 24 hrs. I stopped take turmeric and fish oil for a couple of weeks and am back on it now just wanted to see if there was a difference and there is! I am not going off of it again. I can feel the omega -3 doing its job alone with Turmeric. Going back to the Dr. on the 21st of February for another blood draw.


Dear @jumper123 from which time you diagnosed?

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I was diagnosed in March of 2023, and was recently put on Methotrexate to raise my white count at 20mg per week and then will have another blood draw and see what will be done after that.


I was hospitalized with COVID Pneumonia in December of 2021. I developed a Thymona shortly afterwards. In March of 2022, I was also diagnosed with t Cell LGL. Was on Methotrexate for 14 months and it did not improve my blood count. I tried Cyclosporine for about 6 weeks and couldn't deal with the side effects. I am on no chemo dru at this time. My Neutrophils are only .2 I think that COVID caused my Thymoma and T Cell LGL.

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I appreciate your comments and the suspected cause. Some products can cause different blood cancers and I think those products should be taken off the market rather than just putting a caution label on them. Your condition being caused by Covid, is a surprised to me in that I didn't know that could happen. Wish you the best.


I was hospitalized with COVID Pneumonia in December of 2021. I developed a Thymona shortly afterwards. In March of 2022, I was also diagnosed with t Cell LGL. Was on Methotrexate for 14 months and it did not improve my blood count. I tried Cyclosporine for about 6 weeks and couldn't deal with the side effects. I am on no chemo dru at this time. My Neutrophils are only .2 I think that COVID caused my Thymoma and T Cell LGL.

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My wife’s experience was a successful treatment for lgl with cytoxan. Contact Dr Loughran at UVA in Charlottesville, VA. He “discovered” lgl in 1985, and has written the book on treatment options. Google “Loughran” to get to their website.


I recently went to my oncologist and told him the cause of my cancer a petroleum product and if he would agree with me and he said "you are a 77 year old man and you might be lying so nobody would believe you.' Doctors are not interested in the cause only the treatment. I received the same attitude from my LNP, and she said "the cause is a mute point", Doctors are not interested in preventing the cause just treating the problem. Just sharing my experience with you. Don't know who is interested in preventing the cause if you do please let me know.


I was hospitalized with COVID Pneumonia in December of 2021. I developed a Thymona shortly afterwards. In March of 2022, I was also diagnosed with t Cell LGL. Was on Methotrexate for 14 months and it did not improve my blood count. I tried Cyclosporine for about 6 weeks and couldn't deal with the side effects. I am on no chemo dru at this time. My Neutrophils are only .2 I think that COVID caused my Thymoma and T Cell LGL.

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Dear @marlow2
HOW do you feel now?
on any med ?


I have LGL, T-cell, and get a large red blood spot on my left forearm at times and it takes a long time to get rid of it using hydrocortisone does anyone know of a product that works faster than hydo to get rid of it? I have no external bleeding. Does anyone know the name of the condition? I think it maybe purpura and am not sure since I have know external bleeding. The red spot is probably cause by my low platelet count.


I recently went to my oncologist and told him the cause of my cancer a petroleum product and if he would agree with me and he said "you are a 77 year old man and you might be lying so nobody would believe you.' Doctors are not interested in the cause only the treatment. I received the same attitude from my LNP, and she said "the cause is a mute point", Doctors are not interested in preventing the cause just treating the problem. Just sharing my experience with you. Don't know who is interested in preventing the cause if you do please let me know.

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Jumper 123, Well in any case, if a doctor told me I may be lying I would take great offense to the comment including my age. . I agree in many cases physicians are treating symptoms not the root cause and not just cancer care...My blood cancer is considered an orphan cancer ( rare and pharmacetical companies don't want to put the money into research) They don't know the cause and there is no cure although they can slow the progression which I'm grateful for. Overall, I find Doctors are overworked and treat symptoms and not the cause if there a known one. Do your own research, go on Youtube they have Doctors from well known institutions, MDAnderson, Mayo, Sloane etc who discuss latest treatment etc..Put your question in the search bar and then talk with your physician armed with information..If they don't allow you to be a partner in your care then consider if the relationship is a good fit..Good luck


Is your Doctor aware?

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Yes, and I was told to use cortisone 10, and it took about a month to get rid of the large red spot on my arm. I think that a person can try other product too, such as skin lotion or anti bacterial soap.

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