Recovering alone from Covid-19

Posted by jbljax @jbljax, Feb 11 12:30pm

My husband and I are both ill with Covid ( Days #11 and #9 respectively) . We have a small dog, but otherwise no family nearby. We're finding it difficult to keep body and soul together-- prepare meals, keep kitchen and bath clean, etc. Wondering how those living alone, or without a healthy support system manage during the acute stage of illness.

I've considered boarding our pup for a week or so, and booking a hotel that has room service available so we can have hot meals and clean sheets and towels.
Would continue to mask, of course. Has anyone done this?

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God Bless you. That has got to be so hard. Are you familiar with Doordash or other places that deliver meals? Are you eligible for meals on wheels at this time? Also, some grocery stores deliver groceries to you. Do you have a neighbor who could help you out? Ordering groceries online is not hard or could you possibly get someone to do that for you? Are you afiliated with a church that could help you? COVID can be extremely taxing and it is so tiring. Praying for you right now. Blessings & Hugs...


God Bless you. That has got to be so hard. Are you familiar with Doordash or other places that deliver meals? Are you eligible for meals on wheels at this time? Also, some grocery stores deliver groceries to you. Do you have a neighbor who could help you out? Ordering groceries online is not hard or could you possibly get someone to do that for you? Are you afiliated with a church that could help you? COVID can be extremely taxing and it is so tiring. Praying for you right now. Blessings & Hugs...

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Yes, we have access to Door Dash and grocery delivery. Unfortunately no neighbors we can really ask to assist and no church family. Mostly I feel like curling up in bed and having everything taken care of-- like hospitals used to do pre-Covid LOL

My spouse and I are actually HCW, and got exposed at work. We're the ones who people rely on when they are ill. Difficult to be on the other side of that now.


Yes, we have access to Door Dash and grocery delivery. Unfortunately no neighbors we can really ask to assist and no church family. Mostly I feel like curling up in bed and having everything taken care of-- like hospitals used to do pre-Covid LOL

My spouse and I are actually HCW, and got exposed at work. We're the ones who people rely on when they are ill. Difficult to be on the other side of that now.

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I am so sorry. Thank you for what you do to take care of all of us! It is your turn now and I am praying for help for you, somehow and some way. God Bless You!


Don’t worry if the kitchen and bath get a bit messy - you can clean those when you start to feel better. Prioritize nutrition and rest. Instacart groceries. Easy to prepare or microwave meals, soups. DoorDash for an occasional treat. Keep the pup with you, unless it is too hard to manage. Hopefully you will start to feel better soon.


My heart goes out to you. I am 70 years old and live alone with my little dog. It’s really tough for sure. When I’m really bad I use grocery delivery and just get things like a roasted chicken, bags of precut fresh veggies, soups, etc.
I also had to learn to let a lot of things go………only do minimal cleaning
when I can, sometimes leave dishes in the sink until I have more energy
(NEVER would have done that in the past)., etc. I learned the price I pay for pushing my body is just not worth it. Sets me way back. As someone else said, focus on rest and decently nutritious food. Luckily I have a fenced backyard which makes it easier with my dog. Wouldn’t want to go through this without him by my side.Good luck and thank you for the much needed work you do in the healthcare field.

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