Eye injury (hot oil splatter)

Posted by siriou @siriou, Feb 9, 2024

I’m have a best friend that had 2 eye surgery already and his condition is not improving. The specialist said that most likely his condition is going to be permanently. His condition is no vision in his right eye. Imagine closing your eyes and only see darkness. That’s what his right eye experienced (while fully open) he has headaches, hard to focus, pain in his eyeball, dryness, when is to bright his right eye sting, running tears. So! How did this happen to my best friend’s eye. While cooking at his work (restaurant) he had hot oil splatter into his right eye. And he also wears contact lens. Immediately his right eyes close and slightly sting, little burning sensation. He went to the sink to splash water over his right eye. And check to see if eye has any swelling, damage to tissue. After 3 days he began feeling irrigation, burning sensation, swelling to his right eye. Also his vision started getting blurry and unable to focus. Basically his right eye got infected. Whet to hospital and after cleaning and closely looking at his eyeball. It show that his right eye cornea is damaged and need surgery right away!

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@siriou, I'm sorry to hear that this happened to your friend. Is the surgery that is being suggested a cornea transplant (keratoplasty) to replace part of the cornea with corneal tissue from a donor?


Yes! And he already had 2 surgery done on it!


I am so sorry to hear this hoping everything gets better with the transplant. Please keep us posted.

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