← Return to CLL - Blood work Completed IGVA Mutation Analysis

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@joeeduffy I want to reach through this computer and give you a hug…
My goal is to calm you and help you see that this is not a death sentence for your husband. Yes, CLL is a type of blood cancer but it is not generally aggressive and people can live full and happy lives. The survival rate for people with CLL is better than for many other types of cancers…and it’s treatable. I think this will be helpful article for you to read about the prognosis of CLL patients.

The test results that you’ve received so far should only be interpreted by your husband’s doctor for Joe’s personal situation. Comparing to someone else’s results won’t necessarily apply to your husband as they are relative to his situation.
The bone marrow biopsy results may take a week or more to be reported in its entirety. There are many components to the tests and they take time. They will come back in the portal under their own results. It may say Cytology/pathology report. My suggestion for you, as someone who’s had 13 of these, is to not look beforehand unless you know exactly what the results mean. It’s easy to misinterpret what you read and right now you’re already overwhelmed and filled with anxiety.

You mentioned trying to find local support groups. Here are two sites for you to research to see if there are any support groups in your area. The Leukemia Lymphoma Society usually has local branches. I know at my hematology office there’s a large white-board with all the information with monthly meetings at a local technical college.

My heart goes out to you because I can sense how desperate you are to find help and answers. You are absolutely not a failure, my dear. You love your husband and you want to make sure he’s going to be ok. This diagnosis is all so new and raw right now. But I’m expecting nothing has changed drastically except your attitudes since your husband was diagnosed, right? He wasn’t having symptoms. He’s still not. This was found in routine blood work.

This isn’t a rapidly changing life for either of you right now. It’s the same as it was last month except for the changes he’s making deliberately with stopping smoking and trying to eat healthier.
I’m trying to put this into perspective for you that life may not change much. There might not be any treatments for a long time and those are usually just a medication to take. I know you’re worried how this will impact you financially and that your husband is worried if he passes away and you’ll be left alone. All of these are wake up calls for any married couple. We have to plan for the future and every eventuality. But right now, as for his future with CLL, this level of stress and worry is premature…just please, take a few deep breaths and exhale slowly. It’s ok to cry, but try to remain calm and focus on things over which you do have some control. I think you’ll find this is all manageable. The best thing is to wait and see what the hematologist has to say on the 29th.

How is the new diet plan working out? Have you found some good recipes that follow the Mediterranean Diet?

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Replies to "@joeeduffy I want to reach through this computer and give you a hug… My goal is..."

@loribmt Hi, your response to @joeeduffy is so encouraging. I was recently diagnosed with CLL. It was picked up on routine bloodwork. I, too, don’t have any symptoms. It has caused me a lot of anxiety but your response to @joeeduffy has helped me. It’s all so new and we all think the worst when we get the diagnosis! My Hematologist was very encouraging also. I see him again on March 19. I’m still not having symptoms so hoping everything remains the same. Thanks for providing such positive information 💕

Lori! I want you to reach out through this computer and give me a hug as well! And, I want to do the same and hug you back. What a wonderful thing that you are doing helping guide us through these times. They are hard and I hope that you had the love and support that you and the rest of everyone here is giving when you were going through the beginning stages of your diagnosis.

The diet has not yet come full circle but we are definitely creating some great things to keep us healthy and we really aren't 'that bad' diet wise. And, I have to say that since this (and GOD knows I have been trying for a very long time before this diagnosis) has happened, Tim is now on Day NINE smoke free and I have not seen any Wawa gross sizzly breakfast sandwich remains or beef jerky packages in his car either!

We are going to Charleston for his birthday (2/16) and to see friends and family. So that will be really nice. That Saturday we are all going to the Dueling Piano's and that will be alot of fun! We have more friends and family there then here in Virginia Beach and were planning to move there in the next year or so. So, that is our plan that we are still holding on to.

It is very tough here. We have not made many 'friends' over the past 14 years that we have been here and we will need to be closer to those we love whether it is sooner or 40 years from now that we have to worry.

In the meanwhile, you guys here are keeping me on the up and up and I am trying my best.

BTW, Tim is my husband and I am Joee, his wife. It is confusing if you don't know!! LOL