Has anyone used CBD oil for chronic pain? And do you have results?

Posted by rensacb @rensacb, Jan 22, 2019

I'm a chronic pain suffer of 35+ years. Scoliosis is the culprit. Not a disfiguring curve but non the less painfully destructive. Almost every disc is bulging from 3mm to 6mm. I've had 2 spinal fusion. C 3-7 and L 4-5. Have 4 nerve root impengements with spondylosis in some areas and stenosis at interval from neck to sacral. Take steroid shots when I can with positive results for a few weeks. Always have Norco 5mg/325 ready if needed. Unfortunately I have found the best way to keep pain down is to lie down. So most of my days are spent on my bed. Any suggestions?

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Did I miss your response to my question?

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I’ve tried several types of CBD alone for chronic pain. It did nothing. It needs to have a small amount of THS in with it to potentiate it.


I’ve tried several types of CBD alone for chronic pain. It did nothing. It needs to have a small amount of THS in with it to potentiate it.

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Thank you!! I will begin experimenting per your specific recommendation.


Thank you!! I will begin experimenting per your specific recommendation.

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If you live in a state where medical marijuana is legal, take advantage of the pharmacists in the dispensaries, who are very good resources. They can help you figure out what combinations to try, and in what order.


If you live in a state where medical marijuana is legal, take advantage of the pharmacists in the dispensaries, who are very good resources. They can help you figure out what combinations to try, and in what order.

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I suffer from "Idiopathic Tri-geminal Nephropathy" I attended a one day orientation on the use of CB/THC. I have used both in various mixtures and amounts.
I received no relief from the use of either.
I live in a state where marijuana is legal and access is no problem.


I’m sorry to hear that. The problem the public has with marijuana having been banned so long for being able to be the subject of any medical research, is that we are now so far behind in understanding what conditions it works for, and how, that people have to resort to this kind of trial and error sampling to find something that might work for them. Good luck.


CBD products are ubiquitous!!! The problem is (1) what's in them? (2) where and who made them? Without that information from a reputable source, the CBD phenomenon today is a repeat of the old snake oil scam. I'm waiting for the medical doctors and researchers at Mayo Clinic to publish their opinions of CBD.

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@mayomayo8171948 the states where CBD flower is grown having testing procedures that are followed by the health department’s to ensure that you get what you buy. It bothers me that you made these statements about CBD without verifying first.


Fresh or canned pineapple, or juice? How much and how often? Thanks.

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Fresh fruit and fresh vegetables are always the best for nutritional benefits. Frozen is next, then canned. I make myself eat three servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables EVERY DAY. This formula keeps everything moving SMOOTHLY through my gastrointestinal track EVERYDAY. Daily physical activity is absolutley necessary, with walking at the top of my list of things to DO, EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! I cannot stress the importance of daily routines filled with healthy habits!!


The key with cannabis is likely to be the proportion of the THC to CBD.
As was stated earlier, THC provided the effect that chronic pains suffers desire.
One should be aware that as the THC percentage increases. the higher likelihood of the impact of hallucinating.
The least that you can expect is to "take the edge off of the discomfort."
I do use cannabis. It is legal for medicinal use, and I have a license to use.


I use Innovative CBD, Full Spectrum 500 mg. It is organic and minimal ingredients, so it is just hemp and hemp seed oil. https://innovativecbd.com/product/full-spectrum-cbd-oil-premium-hemp-extract/


The issue for me is does it help by removing the pain. The pain was not removed by use of CBD/THC. Now if I used the inappropriate formula I do not know. During my early diagnostic period I had appointments with 15, yes 15 different doctors before it was diagnosed. I suffered through months of trying one medicine and then another. I am not anxious to go off on another trial.

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