Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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I have exactly the same , after covid… I think is related to GERD because it relieved a lot after a 40 day treatment with a strong acid reducer medication…
But I have been struggling for the last 3 years 24/7 every minute

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After struggling for a year and a half I too was diagnosed with GERD. Weird since I didn’t feel heartburn but had tons of gunk and an asthma-like response. I had a barium swallow test done in December that showed acid shooting up to around the level of the carina which is where the trachea branches into both lungs. I’ll see Gastro this Monday. My question to you is what acid reducer did you use that helped? I’ve already tried Famotodine, Pantoprozole, Omeprozole and Esomeprozole with no improvement.


I purchased Mucostop and the directions just say take 2 on an empty stomach 3 times daily. A bottle of 48 will go fast at that rate- 8 days. Is that how you took it? It’s pricey at that rate for sure. I paid around $25 on Amazon.

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My problem is mainly at night. Sometimes during the day. I started out taking them at night only but i need to take them all day to see if that i can permanently get rid of this. I bought mine at the health food store with ither stuff and i don't know what i paid for it. I need to go get more & i will see how much it is. I guess it just depends on how well it works for each person. I hope it works for you as it does me. Keep me updated.


I have exactly the same , after covid… I think is related to GERD because it relieved a lot after a 40 day treatment with a strong acid reducer medication…
But I have been struggling for the last 3 years 24/7 every minute

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I had this symptom since Jan 2022 till now 24/7.
It’s really annoying, I am trying a lot things, nothing working.
My symptom is the left side of the throat and nostril.
I will keep trying all the treatment that have been given here and see.
I pray something works.
All the best.


Thank you. Will give this a try. I have had this mucous in the back of my throat since COVID in 2022. Nothing has completely gotten rid of it. Salt water rinses, mouth washes, tongue scraping in the morning, antihistamines are all temporary fixes. I have gone to specialists and none of them know what to do for this. I'm so glad this worked for you. God Bless You!

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It has been two weeks since I went to the hospital. They prescribed Paxlovid I finished it, and I still have lots of mucus in the back of my throat and I am having a difficult time breathing. Help! Does anyone else have these symptoms?


It has been two weeks since I went to the hospital. They prescribed Paxlovid I finished it, and I still have lots of mucus in the back of my throat and I am having a difficult time breathing. Help! Does anyone else have these symptoms?

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Did you have pneumonia, bronchitis or asthma with it? If so, the difficulty breathing can last up to 3 months. Are you on an asthma rescue inhaler or nebulizer? It does help. I had Covid in 2022 (the worst!) & then again last year 2023 (Milder) and I was diagnosed with long Covid the first of 2023. I still have thick mucosy saliva in the back of my throat from the first time I had it. No doctor can give me anything to relieve it. I have tried it all and seen everyone from primary, dentist, ENT, Infectious Disease & Dermatologist. The Dermatologist cultured my mouth and it came back normal mouth bacteria. She told me to use Listerine, brushing, flossing, etc., I still have it. I will say that eating a very salty food or anything with sugar makes it worse. I was going to consider the above mentioned Mucostop, but, it has too many ingredients for this sensitive body. Salt water rinses, lemon ginger tea help, but, its temporary. If I find an answer for the thick mucus in back of throat/mouth I will let you know. Praying for you right now. Rest and do a little something. Rest....You may find that any type of exertion brings on the difficult breathing. If it continues, I woud see a Pulmonologist ASAP. I'm so sorry you are battling this. It's not easy. Please keep me posted. I understand and I care.


I am still recuperating from being diagnosed with Covid at Mayo ER on January 6, 2024. Excessive phlegm in the back of my throat still prevails.
It was too late to start medication when diagnosed, so I reverted back to supplements taken when experiencing Covid in 2020 BV (Before vaccines).

My holistic MD suggested a room diffuser using eucalyptus and peppermint plant based essential oils. Type of diffuser was not discussed, but one can read customer comments online before purchasing, A diffuser was ordered online from Walmart (One chosen was not a store item). Am looking forward to trying the diffuser, once received and will post results after using it.

Plant based essential oils were ordered online from Target, as product was an “in store” item. I would recommend researching the use of essential oils and receiving a doctor’s authorization before using them.

My current Covid symptoms are milder than when contracted previously in 2020. However, recuperation seems to be much longer. Am almost 80 years old and this recent experience has been quite a challenge after being a Covid “longhauler”.


I am still recuperating from being diagnosed with Covid at Mayo ER on January 6, 2024. Excessive phlegm in the back of my throat still prevails.
It was too late to start medication when diagnosed, so I reverted back to supplements taken when experiencing Covid in 2020 BV (Before vaccines).

My holistic MD suggested a room diffuser using eucalyptus and peppermint plant based essential oils. Type of diffuser was not discussed, but one can read customer comments online before purchasing, A diffuser was ordered online from Walmart (One chosen was not a store item). Am looking forward to trying the diffuser, once received and will post results after using it.

Plant based essential oils were ordered online from Target, as product was an “in store” item. I would recommend researching the use of essential oils and receiving a doctor’s authorization before using them.

My current Covid symptoms are milder than when contracted previously in 2020. However, recuperation seems to be much longer. Am almost 80 years old and this recent experience has been quite a challenge after being a Covid “longhauler”.

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I have to be very careful with essential oils as I have a cat. A cat's liver absorbs certain essential oils from diffusers and it could be detrimental to them. Thank you for the information. I do find Vicks helps at times (menthol). Praying you have a full recovery. God Bless You!


I have to be very careful with essential oils as I have a cat. A cat's liver absorbs certain essential oils from diffusers and it could be detrimental to them. Thank you for the information. I do find Vicks helps at times (menthol). Praying you have a full recovery. God Bless You!

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Good info and thank you!


It has been two weeks since I went to the hospital. They prescribed Paxlovid I finished it, and I still have lots of mucus in the back of my throat and I am having a difficult time breathing. Help! Does anyone else have these symptoms?

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I had this for almost 2 years, I tried everything, still not resolved am really struggling.
I am just praying, God helps all recover from this nasty thing.
Will post if anything comes up


I had this for almost 2 years, I tried everything, still not resolved am really struggling.
I am just praying, God helps all recover from this nasty thing.
Will post if anything comes up

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Do you have short of breath also?

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