Prolia Side Effect: Edema

Posted by kjs1964 @kjs1964, Jan 25, 2024

I have been receiving Prolia injections for two years. This summer, I got edema. I went to my doctor and had many tests, which proved nothing wrong with my blood work and heart.

I had edema in my lower legs and feet. Now that the weather is cooler, it is better, but I have pain in 3 of my toes on each foot.

I walk daily and do not eat a lot of salt; I wonder if anyone else has had edema as a symptom of Prolia.

I just changed my doctor, so starting from the beginning. I did see on the internet that Prolia can cause edema. When I told her I thought this was a symptom from Prolia, she said never has she heard that in 30 years.

She told me to find evidence that this is true, so I am just putting it out there. We all know our bodies.

Thank you for reading, and any information would be appreciated.

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Thank you - It is never-ending. My primary doctor is good, but she also is getting burned out. I understand
I will keep trying
Blessing and have a good day

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I think your symptoms are very true. I have been taking it for 3 years. But when I was diagnosed I went to an Endocrinologist not only for a 2nd opinion but to establish for ongoing treatment. I am a retired RN, worked 49 years and observed many drug reactions that occur after yrs on a drug. My advice listen to your body and find an Endocrinologist to treat your osteoporosis and keep your PCP for other issues.


I think your symptoms are very true. I have been taking it for 3 years. But when I was diagnosed I went to an Endocrinologist not only for a 2nd opinion but to establish for ongoing treatment. I am a retired RN, worked 49 years and observed many drug reactions that occur after yrs on a drug. My advice listen to your body and find an Endocrinologist to treat your osteoporosis and keep your PCP for other issues.

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Thank you. I will look up and see an Endocrinologist as soon as possible. My next shot is coming due.

Have a blessed day.


My PCP called Mayo and they switched me to Prolia after first dose I had alot of the symtoms. When I went into my PCP she said the I had to continue with Prolia. I also am a nurse and this doesn't make any sense. I have several immune issues. I have been Mayo for this osteoporosis he put me in reclast. I fractured my patella after my doctor talked to him he recommended Prolia. I wanted to finish out Reclast.


Thank you for all the comments. This forum has continued to help many. At my fourth Prolia injection a kind nurse said, “ I’ve heard from some people that taking a Zertec allergy medication once every twelve hours for five days sometimes helps with pain.” I left that day thinking that is too easy not to give it a try. I take Zertec allergy medicine anyway. For five days I took Zertec in the morning and before bedtime. As strange as it might seem my pain was much less than previous injections. I thought it just a coincidence. So after my fifth injection a couple of weeks ago I paid close attention and took the Zertec twice a day. As stated in my previous post I was in lots of burning pain at first. Especially at night. Then suddenly about the fifth or sixth day everything got a little better. Now I’m realizing maybe there is something to this allergy thing. I wonder if it would work for others? Which is why I’m posting this morning. I hope someone else with pain after Prolia will give this a try. It may not be a complete fix but I’ll take any help I can get from pain. I’m now going to try to cut back on Tylenol. I take so much I worry about it. I’m no longer taking extra Zyrtec but am taking one in the morning. Been feeling less pain and moving a lot better. Hopefully it will continue. 😊

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What Zyrtec dosage do you take per pill?


What Zyrtec dosage do you take per pill?

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Good morning,

Right now, I take Montelukast at night for allergies. I am gathering information for my next visit with my new osteoporosis doctor.

I am glad this is helping you, and I am keeping notes on all this information.

I appreciate your help.
Have a blessed day


I think your symptoms are very true. I have been taking it for 3 years. But when I was diagnosed I went to an Endocrinologist not only for a 2nd opinion but to establish for ongoing treatment. I am a retired RN, worked 49 years and observed many drug reactions that occur after yrs on a drug. My advice listen to your body and find an Endocrinologist to treat your osteoporosis and keep your PCP for other issues.

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I have one @ Mayo

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