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Replies to "Regarding masks, the N95 or KN95 masks block 95% of particles that are one micron and..."
Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: Mar 14, 2024 | Replies (26)
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Replies to "Regarding masks, the N95 or KN95 masks block 95% of particles that are one micron and..."
@kayabbott, @celia16, and all...And all this information helps us how? Wearing masks for normal folks helps us how? We've been told officially by government officials the masks don't do that much regarding our infections with COVID-19 at this point. Doctors generally agree the masks don't do much for most folks. But, are helpful for immunocompromised patients, etc.
Young people, children, and healthy people don't need to wear masks, do they, unless in the presence of a positive COVID-infected person? Generally, it's my understanding, that masks were very important to a lot of folks during the pandemic for psychological reasons more than anything...it gave everyone something they could physically do that made them feel like they were making a difference. We don't know if it made much difference at all in slowing the infection rate.
Masks were a negative for small and young children slowing personal development talking, and interacting with other humans. Masks harmed schoolchildren as well documented. The plastic barriers did nothing to stop the spread as the droplets went over/under/around the plastic. Lots of folks made money on these gimmicks.
I'm not being negative. I am more looking at these things logically, rather than emotionally or wishfully, or whatever. I didn't get Covid until July 2023, and December 2023. I have multiple autoimmune diseases, I had the Moderna vaccine at Mayo the first day it was available and the 2nd one when available. I've had no vaccines since and don't plan to due to my immune system. Currently, naturally, I'm full of Covid antibodies. When they diminish, my immune system doesn't need to be hit again with anything that may cause it to be compromised.
My life is very isolated. I order most of my groceries and other goods for delivery. I come into contact with a few other people. So, I will not wear masks unless at the hospital or medical office that requires one...so far, none do. When I had COVID-19 and did go out to the doctor to get infusions for COVID-19 or whatever, I wore my KN95 mask as a courtesy to others. Not for my protection.
As you see, I'm not an alarmist, nor am I one to blindly follow others without legitimate, proven facts that lead me. I think we made a bunch of mistakes during the pandemic and we should learn from them. Hopefully, we are and we have. Hopefully, we will do much better next time and save lives, keep folks healthier, and follow good medical advice.
I'm not asking for a debate or long discussion on any of this. We've had too many of those already. I'm simply stating my thoughts and what I think, with my handy brain, makes sense to me. That's all. Felt the need to say we are all able to do well with facts and make decisions for ourselves and our families. Hopefully, we'll do better next time, and I'm sure there will be a next time, sadly.
Blessings all, Elizabeth