Prolia Side Effect: Edema

Posted by kjs1964 @kjs1964, Jan 25, 2024

I have been receiving Prolia injections for two years. This summer, I got edema. I went to my doctor and had many tests, which proved nothing wrong with my blood work and heart.

I had edema in my lower legs and feet. Now that the weather is cooler, it is better, but I have pain in 3 of my toes on each foot.

I walk daily and do not eat a lot of salt; I wonder if anyone else has had edema as a symptom of Prolia.

I just changed my doctor, so starting from the beginning. I did see on the internet that Prolia can cause edema. When I told her I thought this was a symptom from Prolia, she said never has she heard that in 30 years.

She told me to find evidence that this is true, so I am just putting it out there. We all know our bodies.

Thank you for reading, and any information would be appreciated.

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I just got my 5th Prolia injection yesterday. Awoke this morning in tears. The 4th injection was not as bad as the 3rd so I thought that I might be adjusting to the medication. I was wrong. I’m in such pain this morning it’s surprising to me. My arms and wrists are weak and burning. My hips and lower back are burning. My legs are burning and feel so heavy to move while walking. My image in my thoughts are like I’ve been poisoned. Why do I keep doing this to myself……isn’t quality of life in old age important? How do I know if this is right or wrong. Each person is different yet the same. Why do I keep trying to be stronger when the human body is not ever designed to go on forever….

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I am so sorry for all your pain. I believe you, and you know your body. I also feel like this has affected my body. Our bodies can only take so much. You are dealing with not only the physical but the mental emotions. What does your doctor say?

I have seen two doctors. Both said there are no side effects. Really ???



I just got my 5th Prolia injection yesterday. Awoke this morning in tears. The 4th injection was not as bad as the 3rd so I thought that I might be adjusting to the medication. I was wrong. I’m in such pain this morning it’s surprising to me. My arms and wrists are weak and burning. My hips and lower back are burning. My legs are burning and feel so heavy to move while walking. My image in my thoughts are like I’ve been poisoned. Why do I keep doing this to myself……isn’t quality of life in old age important? How do I know if this is right or wrong. Each person is different yet the same. Why do I keep trying to be stronger when the human body is not ever designed to go on forever….

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I am sorry you are having these issues with Prolia. Perhaps a consult with another physician might be beneficial. If you are being treated by an endocrinologist, maybe try a rheumatologist? Or the other way around. It's been my experience that going to a different hospital system, preferably in a different city results in a better second opinion. Only you know how your body reacts to certain medications. While the majority of people in a study might have positive results with a medication, there often are a number of people who have negative reactions. But they do. And they shouldn't be disregarded. If you think your symptoms are the result of this medication, your doctor needs to listen to you and work with you to find an alternative. I wish you well and hope you can soon find relief.


I am sorry you are having these issues with Prolia. Perhaps a consult with another physician might be beneficial. If you are being treated by an endocrinologist, maybe try a rheumatologist? Or the other way around. It's been my experience that going to a different hospital system, preferably in a different city results in a better second opinion. Only you know how your body reacts to certain medications. While the majority of people in a study might have positive results with a medication, there often are a number of people who have negative reactions. But they do. And they shouldn't be disregarded. If you think your symptoms are the result of this medication, your doctor needs to listen to you and work with you to find an alternative. I wish you well and hope you can soon find relief.

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Thank you - It is never-ending. My primary doctor is good, but she also is getting burned out. I understand
I will keep trying
Blessing and have a good day


I am sorry you are having these issues with Prolia. Perhaps a consult with another physician might be beneficial. If you are being treated by an endocrinologist, maybe try a rheumatologist? Or the other way around. It's been my experience that going to a different hospital system, preferably in a different city results in a better second opinion. Only you know how your body reacts to certain medications. While the majority of people in a study might have positive results with a medication, there often are a number of people who have negative reactions. But they do. And they shouldn't be disregarded. If you think your symptoms are the result of this medication, your doctor needs to listen to you and work with you to find an alternative. I wish you well and hope you can soon find relief.

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Thank you


when i went back to my dr because i had a severe reaction to my 1 and only p
rolis shot he told me i have given over 100 shots and you are the first one to have such a reaction so i am going to be honest i don't can imagine how i felt. don't we deserve drs who know what they are doing and know about the drugs they are giving us instead of listening to big pharma. there oath was to the people and they need to sttRT DOING THIS IT it would certainly stop alot of needless pain and and anxiety


when i went back to my dr because i had a severe reaction to my 1 and only p
rolis shot he told me i have given over 100 shots and you are the first one to have such a reaction so i am going to be honest i don't can imagine how i felt. don't we deserve drs who know what they are doing and know about the drugs they are giving us instead of listening to big pharma. there oath was to the people and they need to sttRT DOING THIS IT it would certainly stop alot of needless pain and and anxiety

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I am sorry you reacted, Prolia. I believe you. My new doctor said no side effects for 30 years.

I don't know the answer anymore, trying to get all my papers together before seeing her again. After two years, my bone scan showed I lost more bone density in both my hips. My spine was complex to read because I had a compressed fracture after the last test.

One day at a time for right now. I hope you find a different doctor and a drug that works with your body.

Have a blessed day.


I am sorry you reacted, Prolia. I believe you. My new doctor said no side effects for 30 years.

I don't know the answer anymore, trying to get all my papers together before seeing her again. After two years, my bone scan showed I lost more bone density in both my hips. My spine was complex to read because I had a compressed fracture after the last test.

One day at a time for right now. I hope you find a different doctor and a drug that works with your body.

Have a blessed day.

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thank you but i really believe it is much more complicated then we think and maybe the drs also. one size does not fit all. first we need to find out what caused the bone loss in the first place and start from there and that may determine the drug you take and may make all the difference because it is the right one it is a long hard road and i think this is why alot of drs prescribe drugs and hope they help


Thank you for all the comments. This forum has continued to help many. At my fourth Prolia injection a kind nurse said, “ I’ve heard from some people that taking a Zertec allergy medication once every twelve hours for five days sometimes helps with pain.” I left that day thinking that is too easy not to give it a try. I take Zertec allergy medicine anyway. For five days I took Zertec in the morning and before bedtime. As strange as it might seem my pain was much less than previous injections. I thought it just a coincidence. So after my fifth injection a couple of weeks ago I paid close attention and took the Zertec twice a day. As stated in my previous post I was in lots of burning pain at first. Especially at night. Then suddenly about the fifth or sixth day everything got a little better. Now I’m realizing maybe there is something to this allergy thing. I wonder if it would work for others? Which is why I’m posting this morning. I hope someone else with pain after Prolia will give this a try. It may not be a complete fix but I’ll take any help I can get from pain. I’m now going to try to cut back on Tylenol. I take so much I worry about it. I’m no longer taking extra Zyrtec but am taking one in the morning. Been feeling less pain and moving a lot better. Hopefully it will continue. 😊


Thank you for all the comments. This forum has continued to help many. At my fourth Prolia injection a kind nurse said, “ I’ve heard from some people that taking a Zertec allergy medication once every twelve hours for five days sometimes helps with pain.” I left that day thinking that is too easy not to give it a try. I take Zertec allergy medicine anyway. For five days I took Zertec in the morning and before bedtime. As strange as it might seem my pain was much less than previous injections. I thought it just a coincidence. So after my fifth injection a couple of weeks ago I paid close attention and took the Zertec twice a day. As stated in my previous post I was in lots of burning pain at first. Especially at night. Then suddenly about the fifth or sixth day everything got a little better. Now I’m realizing maybe there is something to this allergy thing. I wonder if it would work for others? Which is why I’m posting this morning. I hope someone else with pain after Prolia will give this a try. It may not be a complete fix but I’ll take any help I can get from pain. I’m now going to try to cut back on Tylenol. I take so much I worry about it. I’m no longer taking extra Zyrtec but am taking one in the morning. Been feeling less pain and moving a lot better. Hopefully it will continue. 😊

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So, would that mean you are allergic to Prolia? That is one sign in your body. I am glad it is helping you.

I have been tested for allergies probably 12 years ago, and I am allergic to just about anything outside and inside a house.

I am seeing a new doctor, so I am trying to gather any information on Prolia since she said that she never had one person who had any reaction to Prolia.

Which I find hard to believe.

Have you seen an increase in your bone density?

Thank you,


So, would that mean you are allergic to Prolia? That is one sign in your body. I am glad it is helping you.

I have been tested for allergies probably 12 years ago, and I am allergic to just about anything outside and inside a house.

I am seeing a new doctor, so I am trying to gather any information on Prolia since she said that she never had one person who had any reaction to Prolia.

Which I find hard to believe.

Have you seen an increase in your bone density?

Thank you,

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Yes, kjs1964, I have had an increase in bone density.
Because the Zertec does help my pain I assume I might have an allergy to the Prolia injection. There is no way I can know that for sure. But since the Zertec helps this might be the case. Even so, I still had pain the first week but much less. The first three injections were very difficult side affects. After the third one I ended up with two weeks of shooting pain in one ear. It did go away….but was miserable for awhile. After the first and second one it was so hard to sleep because of shooting pains in my legs. That lasted for at least three months. Now with the Zertec morning and night for five days I’m so much better. I think maybe science would be able to explain that my body was acting allergic. Others who have posted have done a lot of research I have not done. My comprehension is not clear. I’m just grateful this nurse mentioned it to me. Me bringing this little side note could help someone else who might be experiencing side effects.
I might also mention that I have always had side affects from many medications. As we know everyone does have different reactions to different things. By the way, I have never been tested for allergies. 😊
Good luck and try to be positive. I wish I understood the numbers of the bone density scan. I have been told mine are up and better but no one has ever explained how to figure out what the numbers mean.

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