Neuropathy pills: How to avoid scams?

Posted by wideawakechas @wideawakechas, Oct 26, 2021

Has anyone heard of or tried a pill treatment called Vita Soothe Pro? Nerve Savior?

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I started off slow with Gabapentin about 18 months ago and now take 1800mg, 300mg in am, 600 in pm & 900 before bed. At this point, I don't want to stop for fear of the pain getting worse. The max dose for seizures is 3600mg. It is also prescribed for Restless Leg, which I think often accompanies the misery of PN. Does it work? Who knows. I have gained 8 lbs which at 72, will be difficult to shed. Back to strict Keto. People tell you to exercise, but just doing light housework & making myself presentable every day can be excruciating. This disease robs you of even the most simple comfort & pleasure.

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I had a reaction to gabapentin. Dr. Changed to amitriptyline. It made the burning pain go away and I can sleep at night. I'm not 100% but way better than with gabapentin. Hope you find some relief.


Hey Debbie,

Thanks for your reply. Very helpful. My symptons are a feeling like someone has a blow torch to the bottom of my feet and some disconfort in my calfs area. This is at night. During the day just very senitive bottoms of my feet which slows my walking. Did you get a reason for your NP? I have been to at least 10 doctors checking everything out but no luck.

Also to get 800 per per dose are your pills 200mg each?


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Hi John - 6 years ago they did an EMG and saw Severe Axonal Sensorimotor Peripheral Neuropathy, then did the standard checklist of autoimmune and cancer bloodwork and found nothing, do the label Idiopathic was added. I have never had an MRI or skin biopsy, as it’s believed they wouldn’t add any useful information on diagnosis or treatment. The Gabapentin prescription is pretty much the only assistance I get from Neurologist, though sometimes they check my basic arm and length strength, and see if I still don’t have knee/elbow reflexes. The Gabapentin I take comes in a 800mg tablet, and I try to keep them 8 hrs apart. I’m lucky that pain, when it comes, it isn’t a 10, it’s can get to 5 or 6, just enough to know it’s not comfortable and you can’t take your mind off if it, so the medicine can make you maintain at a 0 to 2 all day every day if I’m on a good spell. But if my fingers/toes get cold, that’s the worst type of pain a heating bag and gloves couldn’t cure - the iciness was bone deep, so helpless. That’s the biggest help from Gabapentin for me; it has made those episodes much less frequent and more tolerable when I get a little. Heat like you’re experiencing also happened with me, but to a lesser extent. I can’t avoid the outside temperatures, and I guess it’s because I don’t sweat that makes it tough for me, but it was worse before Gapapentin.


I was getting ready to order more A lipoic acid when i came across this thread. I see mine by Nature's Pure is a combo of R and S lipoic acid. I also take Vitamins. D3 and K2. L carnitine made me vomit 2 days in a row so I don't take it.
I had some neuropathy in my feet before I started chemo, but it didn't interfere with my life. After receiving Taxol, my feet became very numb and I had to stop driving. Some feeling has come back to my feet and I was able to make an 8 mile drive to a shopping center. Going was no problem; after the joy of being in a shopping center again and tromping around, my feet became numb and the drive home wasn't much fun. I've never had painful feet, just numb. I do believe my feet are better and I would recommend trying the 3 supplements I mentioned. You don't need a fancy brand. I also take phosphatidyl serine. It makes me feel relaxed. If you notice the ads for Prevagin and other brain supplements, the main ingredient is phosphatidyl serine and it's much easier and cheaper to buy a bottle of phosphatidyl serine on Amazon. I take 600mg of gabapentin a day. I've cut back from 900 a day.

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Hey RB, Watch out with the D3. I had an N Dr . say to add the D3 and then I changed Drs and when he did my blood work my D3 was at a toxic level. I beleive the D3 toxic level can affect your NP also but doen't take my word for it.


It contains this, nothing new that is proven to even help. If you want to waste your money.....
1. Vitamins The supplement contains Vitamins C, D, E, B1, B2, B3, Folic Acid, Biotin, and B5. ...
2. Calcium Calcium’s primary role is strengthening teeth and bones. ...
3. Iron Iron helps form hemoglobin, a major component of red blood cells. ...
4. Magnesium Magnesium supports muscle function. ...
5. Zinc Oxide This ingredient helps boost immunity. ...
6. Selenomethionine ...
7. Copper ...
8. Manganese ...


Anyone has any success with Vita Soothe Pro


I heard about it today and want to get some feedback before I buy this


I heard about it today and want to get some feedback before I buy this

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Hello @lorie99, Welcome to Connect. It seems to be yet another "nerves" pill to get your $$. Couldn't find any legitimate research on it but the ingredients do show a few of the ones listed that may help on the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy website at the end of this list -

I did find an older press release on the product that gives me a little more doubt since it seems it was formulated to "relieve chronic inflammation of the nerves". So how does it help if that is not what is causing your neuropathy pain? Just my own thoughts though and others may feel differently.

"VitaSoothe Pro is created to ease chronic inflammation that damages the nerves. It targets a special enzyme called MMP-13 and saves from inflammatory damage."
--- VitaSoothe Pro Reviews - Critical Update on Vita Soothe Pro For Nerve Pain:

You might find these sites helpful to make a determination.
NIH's National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) which offers guidance about integrative health and how to evaluate it.


I have been taking Vita Soothe Pro for about 8 weeks and their is a distinct improvement in my peripheral neuropathy, their is less pain in my legs and the electric shocks are now rare. They do say it may take some time for it to have an effect and that has been the case with me. For what it is worth I am in Australia, so it even works down here! I am hoping for a continuing improvement, as we all know some days are diamonds and some are stones and that is still the case with me, but, touch wood, there is an improvement.


Has anyone ever used nerve Savior and it worked. Is it a scam??

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