What to do if Deviated Septum Surgery Didn't Work?

Posted by h8bigbiz @h8bigbiz, Jan 21 1:39pm

Have been a mouth breather all my life and the constant swallowing of air has caused (or at least aggravated) my digestive problems. Had Septorhinoplasty/Submucosal Bilateral Turbinate Resection surgery 5 months ago and am not breathing through my nose one bit better. The ENT who did the surgery says it worked just fine, showed me before&after pictures and it does look great in the pictures but I still can hardly breathe at all through my nose, in fact it feels harder than ever to breathe.; earlier today, I tried putting freshly ground black pepper right up to my nose hoping to get a good, helpful sneeze (which has always worked before), but nothing. When I told the ENT that, he just said to come back and see him in 6 months and maybe it'll be better.

There are only 2 other ENTs in this town and they're both in his office and he's the only one that does this surgery.

Wish so much I could breathe through my nose; I'm so tired of swallowing air!

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I’m guessing about a week or so of using it 2 to 3 times daily. Now I occasionally use it during the day if my nose seems plugged and use it in the evening before bed. Have used a lot more Kleenex since starting with the SinuSonic. 🙃

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