Possible gingivitis self-diagnosis

Posted by anna17X0X @anna17xox, Jan 28, 2024

So i have been experiencing a very metallic taste in my tongue since i was 13-14 i'm now 17 and think it might be due to gingivitis .I don't know why , i mean my acid reflux used to be bad and that would sometimes leave an unpleasant taste in my mouth.But i noticed it started disappearing and rarely happens anymore.So i have kind of ruled that out ,I also have chronic nasal drip but that only gives me a bad taste when i try to spit the mucus out of my mouth. Which i have stopped doing for a while and have opted for nasal sprays i either swallow it or spray some nasal mist in my nose during allergy season.And i do go to dental appointments every 6 months but my doctor never diagnosed me with any sort of gum disease.I even asked one of the dental assistance who cleansed my teeth about the taste once, and she said something like "its probably gingivitis maybe you should try flossing more often and it'll go away ".She sounded kind of unprofessional but any way i took her advice and started flossing more but i still get that taste in my tongue and it's so unpleasant and hard to ignore. Again i started having this problem since i was 13-14 now i'm 17 i heard gingivitis can progress into a more severe state called periodontist.And i'm surprised i have not noticed any signs of periodontists yet. I mean my tongue gets a slight whitish color when it gets the metallic taste and the back of my gums are kind of receded so I think i'm 90% sure i may have gingivitis.Even though i don't think it has deteriorated yet.And yes the back of my gums bleed sometimes when i floss and these are symptoms commonly associated with gingivitis.It can't just be post nasal drip or acid reflux. I have braces so i often see an orthodontist who has yet to diagnose me as well,though i'm not sure if orthodontist can diagnose gingivitis.

Again i have been flossing and brushing my teeth better,i tend to skip out on flossing in the morning because i don't have much time but i will definitely try flossing more.but i still brush my teeth and mostly floss at night.My orthodontist has said my teeth are healthy but i don't think so.I wanted ask anyone who's ever had gingivitis or currently has it.do you or did you experience a metallic taste in your mouth ?,does the color of your tongue have a whitish color and did you get diagnosed by a dentist or by yourself ?. And is having a metallic taste a common gingivitis symptom.

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anna, Just curious if you have had COVID as that can give you a funny taste in your mouth. I know you have had this way before COVID, but, COVID can do something to the saliva in your mouth. Also, if you notice you are seeing more of the bottom of your teeth from the gumline and the teeth look longer, that is gum recession. It doesn't mean you have gingivitis though. I have gum recession and I floss scrupiously and I also use a waterpik. I get a metallic taste with sinus infection or sinus drainage. Also, do you have any mercury fillings in your mouth that are very old? They may have decay under them that does not show up in the xrays. This may sound gross, but, when you floss your teeth, smell the dental floss. Does it have a bad smell? Then you may have some "leakage" from an old fillings that possibly could be causing the taste in your mouth. Also, some medications can cause a metallic taste in your mouth. Check any meds you are on. Dry mouth can sometimes cause a bad taste. I hope some of this helps. God Bless You and Praying you find answers.


I never had covid,and always tested negative and dont have any mercury fillings. But I still think that I may have gingivitis because sometimes the back of my gums bleeding when I floss.And I didn't get a bad smell on my floss after flossing.I don't take any medication either .if the back of my gums bleed when I floss and I have a metallic taste and the back of my teeth are receded It must certainly be gingivitis.


I never had covid,and always tested negative and dont have any mercury fillings. But I still think that I may have gingivitis because sometimes the back of my gums bleeding when I floss.And I didn't get a bad smell on my floss after flossing.I don't take any medication either .if the back of my gums bleed when I floss and I have a metallic taste and the back of my teeth are receded It must certainly be gingivitis.

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annal17X0X, I would see another dentist for a 2nd opinion. I'm so sorry. This is definitely something you need to get on top of. Try salt water rinses, a very soft toothbrush as brushing to hard with a hard toothbrush can make gums bleed and make things worse. God Bless You.

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