Husband diagnosed with tonsil cancer: looking for tips and support

Posted by joy345 @joy345, Jun 24, 2023

I am writing for my husband who was recently diagnose with Tonsil Cancer. He finished the biopsy and PET scan but we do not know what stage is his cancer. The hospital we are in and ENT Dr. will not performed surgery and we were informed by phone of 6 weeks of radiation and 3 cycles of Chemo. We will know details with the oncology and radiology later this week. We will be seeing another Dr. for second opinion.

I feel bad we do not know the stage of his cancer and other details on the treatment. My husband is depressed for this was unexpected. He was told its only inflammation on his lymph nodes and the biopsy confirmed to be SCC(Squamous Cell Carcinoma). As the caregiver, I am hoping this forum/discussions will provide us encouragement and suggestions/help on the treatment he will be having.

I am new to this group.
Thank you for understanding.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Head & Neck Cancer Support Group.


I am curious why you were not put on a course of Keytruda or similar. This current track sounds as though if the cancer comes back they will try something else rather than insuring the cancer has no chance to come back.

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I don’t know why - I had a NAVars test in December that was negative- I have an appointment w my dr tomorrow as a follow up- I will
Ask him- at the time of my surgery- last April - he said if margins came back clean - they would not do radiation- since that time - no positive NAVars tests - but many questions from people as to why no radiation-hopefully this was the right Decision- guess if it comes back - it was not!
I feel like I have to trust my mayo dr!! But I will definitely ask at my follow up appointment! They say I will do the NAVars test every 3 months for 2 years .


Make smoothies with protein powder, even with weight gainer protein. And plenty of milkshakes. Very helpful in keeping my weight stable and even gain weight. Good luck to you. Keep a positive attitude, it really helps! God bless!

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Hi @mattbrolly, you sound like someone who has been there. Do you have tonsil cancer or are caring for someone with a head and neck cancer?


Hi @mattbrolly, you sound like someone who has been there. Do you have tonsil cancer or are caring for someone with a head and neck cancer?

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I had it and went through surgery Jan 23 and radiation feb-March. I have had 3 clean scans but have difficulty swallowing and talking because the mass was on my palate as well. A couple surgeries later and the doctor is still trying to fix it. I am not complaining because I am okay and there are so many others fighting.


Keep focused on the prize - beating cancer!

Good luck to you both. I mentor (listen and answer non- medical questions)folks here and there. Let me know if you or he or both want to talk.

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So far my husband had 2 chemo’s and 8 radiation’s, his mouth is getting sore, he said the end of his tongue is kind of numb, did you experience that? The dr said to keep rinsing with baking soda and salt rinse. I wonder if there’s something better.


I don’t know why - I had a NAVars test in December that was negative- I have an appointment w my dr tomorrow as a follow up- I will
Ask him- at the time of my surgery- last April - he said if margins came back clean - they would not do radiation- since that time - no positive NAVars tests - but many questions from people as to why no radiation-hopefully this was the right Decision- guess if it comes back - it was not!
I feel like I have to trust my mayo dr!! But I will definitely ask at my follow up appointment! They say I will do the NAVars test every 3 months for 2 years .

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Update to my above post - saw my mayo surgeon yesterday- he explained each case - HPV - tumor area is different - in my case got clean margins in the radical tonsillectomy- I had one affected lymph node- they removed 42- all clear -
Sooo- thank goodness no radiation- NAVars test every 3 months for 2 years w a physical examination every 3 months.
I felt much better after discussing all my concerns w my physician.
I was very fortunate to have excellent surgeons and also ones that’s communicate and continue to communicate with me about protocols going forward. Reading this sight gave me good info to discuss with and ask questions about with my physician.


So far my husband had 2 chemo’s and 8 radiation’s, his mouth is getting sore, he said the end of his tongue is kind of numb, did you experience that? The dr said to keep rinsing with baking soda and salt rinse. I wonder if there’s something better.

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Although the taste of baking soda and salt is not appetizing, it is really one of the best oral rinses a person can have. However, you can down the road request what is known as Magic Mouthwash, a prescription rinse with Lidocaine(sp?). Several patients have had comfort from this.
Personally I found sipping on ice chips and water was some relief. Try to get his mind occupied with other things. It will probably get far worse in the coming weeks and he may continue downhill for days after treatment stops. It's not the end of the world but it may feel that way at times. Anti-anxiety meds may also be considered. Courage. We do get through this.


The last month been a nightmare. My husband is 78 and has tonsil cancer. He’s always had good checkups, tests were always good and he’s never sick so this is a shock. Our life now is stressful and we’re scared. The dr said the plan is chemo and radiation to knock this out, he’s stage 2 so they say it’s treatable . I’m so worried.

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Thank you, all helpful. I’m doing everything I can to help him.


Although the taste of baking soda and salt is not appetizing, it is really one of the best oral rinses a person can have. However, you can down the road request what is known as Magic Mouthwash, a prescription rinse with Lidocaine(sp?). Several patients have had comfort from this.
Personally I found sipping on ice chips and water was some relief. Try to get his mind occupied with other things. It will probably get far worse in the coming weeks and he may continue downhill for days after treatment stops. It's not the end of the world but it may feel that way at times. Anti-anxiety meds may also be considered. Courage. We do get through this.

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I used a product called Mugard and had no ulcers or sores from radiation.


My 67 year old husband was diagnosed with stage 2 tonsil cancer in August, 2022. It was an HPV 16 based cancer so it was very treatable. He had the same treatment plan you mentioned—35 radiation sessions and chemo once a week for seven weeks.

What we learned: do what the doctors tell you to do. For example, get a port put in his chest to make chemo, blood tests and hydration easier. My husband had supplemental hydration sessions three times a week through his port. It hurt a lot to swallow and became impossible after four weeks of treatment. When he lost 15 pounds, they recommended a feeding tube. It sounds scary but it was the best thing he did because he was able to receive badly needed nutrition to help him heal. You may have to try a couple different formulas to find what works best for him. As soon as we got him properly hydrated and fed, he looked so much better and he recovered well. He lost thirty pounds total but has gained some of it back. He had the stomach tube for six weeks. He developed mucositis by the end of treatment. Get him a suction machine to help with this. Our ordeal was about six months from diagnosis to receiving a “no cancer found result” on his PET scan. Permanent side effects - He lost part of his ability to taste food and his salivary glands did not come back. And he cannot grow a full face beard - just a Van Dyke mustache and small chin beard.
He feels this is a small price to pay for being cancer free.

Every two months his ENT scopes his throat for any thing suspicious and his cancer center also follows him closely with scans, MRIs and blood tests.

In 2023, we did three major trips to Panama, Europe, and Australia. So there is life after cancer.

Hang in there, your husband will recover. Take care of yourself.

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What did he use for sore mouth/ throat to eat better. Some are numbing but wonder how good that is when you eat as you could bit your tongue. Anything that helped him?


The last month been a nightmare. My husband is 78 and has tonsil cancer. He’s always had good checkups, tests were always good and he’s never sick so this is a shock. Our life now is stressful and we’re scared. The dr said the plan is chemo and radiation to knock this out, he’s stage 2 so they say it’s treatable . I’m so worried.

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I just would like someone to take me do I do that.i have hpv 16.a mass was found on CT scan at the base of my tongue on the right side.i feel it I have small limply like sores under my tongue.the Dr's here have dismissed the mass .they say it doesn't our area uvdont see being blown off.i have enlarged bumps just on the right side my ear feels full hurts.trouble swallowing food gets stuck .but it doesn't happen I just had cervix removed due to koliocytosis very stressed out worry all the time. Under my tongue hurts alot.any suggestions where to go.i see what as an rn I see luekoplasia on sides of my tongue next to all the enlarged feels thicker on the right scared I'm reaching out to anyone that can tell me if it is the persistent hpv or precancerous how do I do that plz help

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