Questioning Possible Bipolar 2 Diagnosis

Posted by root27 @root27, Jan 9, 2024

This is my first post, but I feel I need to share somewhere and find someone with similar experiences. So some background first:

I have had anxiety most of my life with some occasional minor depressive episodes. I never had therapy as a child or teen, but have struggled with anxiety and irritability. I would be considered "high functioning" as I can hide my distress very well and appear successful. I am very much a perfectionist and have high expectations of myself.

After the birth of my first child, I had some increased depression, but it was manageable. After the birth of my second child, the depression and anxiety were awful and got much worse. (My kids are teens now) I had days where all I could do was sit on the kitchen floor and cry, and days when I felt really good, but anxious and irritable. I started seeing a therapist and a psychiatrist and tried various medications (benzos, antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers). I started having visual hallucinations, significant suicidal thoughts and reached a point where I was hospitalized for a week. I was diagnosed with many things, but the diagnosis that seemed to "stick" was Bipolar 2.

I went through a period of acceptance, but then fought and questioned the diagnosis (my therapist questioned it as well, but my psychiatrist supported the diagnosis). After a couple of years, I was fed up with the medications, which I thought made me feel worse. I weaned myself off of everything, but continued to see my therapist for a while. When I started feeling better, I stopped seeing the therapist regularly - just periodically if I was having a hard time. My spouse and I decided that the Bipolar 2 diagnosis was wrong and I just had major depression with anxiety and a mixed mood episode. I went for 10+ years without medication, with only periodic visits to a therapist, and feeling generally good. My anxiety and irritability was always present, but felt manageable. I would have some "down" periods, but I again felt it was manageable.

About 8 months ago, I had a traumatic accident that required two surgeries and ongoing recovery. I have had some PTSD-like symptoms since then, my anxiety and irritabilty have gone through the roof with significant panic attacks, and I have had some major depressive episodes. I finally started seeing a therapist again about a month ago and was referred to the psychiatrist for an assessment and medication recommendations. After describing my history (without mentioning the previous bipolar 2 diagnosis), the first thing the psychiatrist asked me was if I had ever been diagnosed with bipolar 2! I am helping the psychiatrist obtain records from my previous psychiatrist and hospitalization, so she can make a more accurate and informed diagnosis. The plan for now is to medicate the anxiety with Buspar, but hold on the depression - the psychiatrist doesn't want to risk an antidepressant without a mood stabilizer if she believes the bipolar 2 diagnosis is accurate.

My spouse doesn't think I have bipolar disorder, but he says if I do - who cares - I am still the same person I always have been. I know that he is right, but this situation has floored me. I just assumed that if I was functioning without medication for so long that it meant I don't have bipolar 2 disorder, but the psychiatrist went straight to bipolar 2 and it freaked me out a bit.

I know in my heart it is just data - information to help me understand and better care for myself. Regardless of the ultimate diagnosis, it doesn't define me (I'm trying to convince myself here). I need to talk to someone outside of my spouse, but I don't trust this information with friends or family - at least not yet. I guess what I am looking for is 1) Confirmation that this presentation of bipolar 2 is possible (I know it is a spectrum) or opinions that it might be something else, 2) Knowledge that others have experienced something similar, and 3) Support.

If you got this far reading - thank you. I know it is a lot. 🙂

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As a consumer who functioned OK until diagnosis of Bipolar 2 at 55 I understand your situation.
Consider joining the nearest chapter of DBSA and visit the Depression Bipolar Support Alliance website for helpful resources in coping with your issues. I have used alterations to my daily living to assist in managing my bipolar rather than medications. Real daily sunshine reduces my winter depression and getting exercise and regular sleep hours reduces spring mania. Other support group members use combinations of medications and lifestyle changes and treatment for other issues like anxiety/PTSD/ OCD/ to manage their bipolar 2. When diagnoses have often been done during an episode of Depression or Mania causing members to live with wrong diagnoses for years. Treatment so much more effective when you have the whole person's issues assessed correctly ! Learn more about excellent resources in your own community for you and family members. Check websites for DBSA and NAMI. Most important to understand You are Not Alone !


@itchyd I hope you have a support network or person to help support you while you explore the holistic approach to your illness. Yes it’s a crap shoot but the consequences can be great if left untreated for too long. Good luck on your journey and I hope you’re successful.

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Thanks for your comments!

My wife has stood by me through (very little) thick and (a lot of) thin. She is a great supporter and constant source of inspiration. I literally owe her my life: In Fall, 2009, she found me unresponsive after a vodka/benzo bender and called an ambulance. If not for her, this saga would have been over long ago.

I quit the very evil antiPsy Zyprexa a little over a year ago and feel like I've been reborn. Working on ditching the Lamotrigine now.
Thanks again!

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