Lack of saliva cevelimine doesn’t work this is a new device does it w

Posted by cblue @cblue, Jan 20, 2024

Passed on to me by oral pathologist, but she doesn’t know anyone heard of it or, better yet know anyone who tried it? seems to good to be true, but its difficult living without saliva. They claim to beFDA approved. But there are some issues with medical devices .
Also unsure if covered by insurance.. maybe if prescribed. Seems fishy, but might be worth a try. Would feel better if anyone had experience with it. Please rely with thoughts or personal knowledge.

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@cblue I can’t address the use of the Salipen but something I am researching is vitamin K2-MK7. I am taking it for osteoporosis but have noticed my saliva has increased (I have SS). There is not much to be found about this. But I did read today that the salivary glands have the second most amount (pancreas was first).
Like I said, not a lot out there on K2 and dry mouth. But my daily dose of 180 mcg of MK-7 has helped my dry mouth.

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Is this just OTC?


Looks like otc. I wrote to them with an email address and landline number to ask (:


FYI. I ordered SaliPen on line. There was no need for an MD’s prescription.


I’m sorry sennephile , I don’t remember if you posted how it worked earlier. Or if you are just getting it now? I belong to another patient support group . One person felt like it didn’t help at feli like she was going to stick with it apparently you need to use it for 3 or 5 minutes a few times a day, for a certain number of weeks. Others, didn’t


I’m a Registered Dental Hygienist, retired. I’ve read the journal articles on SaliPen. They didn’t use many patients in their studies, in my opinion. Not to say it isn’t effective for some. IT LOOKS LIKE THE PRICE IS $249 AMERICAN.

I’ll ask my online groups of other hygienists if their patients are using this item and I’ll report back to you soon. I do see how it could stimulate salivary flow though, as even a Sonicare toothbrush stimulates my own low salivary flow.


I’m sorry sennephile , I don’t remember if you posted how it worked earlier. Or if you are just getting it now? I belong to another patient support group . One person felt like it didn’t help at feli like she was going to stick with it apparently you need to use it for 3 or 5 minutes a few times a day, for a certain number of weeks. Others, didn’t

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I’m still using the SaliPen device. I’m still in experimental stage since I only ordered it fairly recently. Truly hoping it will have some effect. Next step—if this doesn’t work—is to look into stem cell transplant though I’ve read there’s risk of infection. I have no sense of smell, taste and no saliva. How much worse can a stem cell transplant be give the unpleasant misery one is experiencing?


I haven’t heard if this before .. just wondering if any of you have tried other than medication… milking your saliva glands. On a sjogrens program I learned how to do it. It’s been incredibly helpful for me this past years and has so improved my ability to eat clean my teeth and have some saliva. Not a cure but had so improved my swallowing and more!


Can you explain what milking saliva glands entails? I’ve g heard about massaging them . Haven’t been consistent


Can you explain what milking saliva glands entails? I’ve g heard about massaging them . Haven’t been consistent

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Please look on the sjogrens sight information. It will explain it. If you can’t find it I could try to send you more information. It’s very simple I do it every day almost and it has really increased my saliva production. I message the sides of my face right below my cheek bones. They explain it much better on the site. If not write me back and I’ll try to find the site. Thank you.


I found something on you tube., Otherwise I'm not sure which Sjogren's site you are referring to. If you see this, let me know.

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