Brain games
I was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. I have some short term memory issues. Are there some good brain games and or ways to help my memory?
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I was diagnosed with MCI almost 3 years ago. I do Wordle, 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles, I’m building my Family Tree on Ancestry, and I paint.
I’m 74 years old.
Now I’m being tested for Cerebellar Dementia. My brain has shrunk, but I can still do all the things mentioned above.
Learning new tasks has become almost impossible though.
The atrophy in my brain has also caused me to have Ataxia.
Hello @dtj217 and welcome to Mayo Connect. I appreciate you posting about an app that has been helpful to you. Sharing information like this is helpful to everyone in the community. It looks like your MCI was diagnosed at age 52.
Have you been involved with other therapies or medications that have helped you? Please share as you are comfortable doing so.
I have had occupational therapy and speech therapy. I use a daily planner, as my speech therapist recommended. I had a neuro-psych eval that resulted in the diagnosis. I recently had a re-eval that showed improvement in some areas and decline in others. I’m seeing a counselor to deal with the many losses I’ve experienced including loss of a job that I loved, loss of being able to drive, recent death of a parent, and more. I am so grateful for this platform to learn from and share with each other. We need each other!
I, too, am glad that you found this forum, @dtj217. It is good to share experiences with others who are on the same journey. It sounds like you have a great support team in your corner. Having occupational and speech therapy are wonderful adjuncts to treatment. Dealing with your losses with a counselor is also helpful.
What early symptoms led you to this diagnosis? If you could share any experiences that were helpful to you, what would they be?