Bronchiectasis and Covid

Posted by srsmith3802 @srsmith3802, Jan 23, 2024

I was just diagnosed with Covid/coronavirus and wondering about peoples experiences taking Paxlovid while on the Big 3.

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No experience with that (knock on wood). Hope your recovery is speedy and without difficulty.


Hello srsmith
When i had covid last april my id doctor said not to take Paxlovid. So ask you if doctor may be. I hope you don’t suffer too much.


Check the Paxlovid site for drug interactions. I recall there being a lot of information and a good table describing level of interaction for various drugs. When I had Covid I had just had a cardiac stent and was taking Plavix. I could not take Paxlovid because of it ....very clearly stated in information on Paxlovid.
I always check my drug interactions when I take something new. Do not depend on the pharmacy! I had to take Prednisone and Bactrim together. I discovered that Prednisone decreases Potassium and Bactrim increases Potassium. I take prescription supplements for Potassium, so I had to adjust my dosage accordingly and follow with blood work. Pharmacy never mentioned anything.


Check the Paxlovid site for drug interactions. I recall there being a lot of information and a good table describing level of interaction for various drugs. When I had Covid I had just had a cardiac stent and was taking Plavix. I could not take Paxlovid because of it ....very clearly stated in information on Paxlovid.
I always check my drug interactions when I take something new. Do not depend on the pharmacy! I had to take Prednisone and Bactrim together. I discovered that Prednisone decreases Potassium and Bactrim increases Potassium. I take prescription supplements for Potassium, so I had to adjust my dosage accordingly and follow with blood work. Pharmacy never mentioned anything.

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Thank you to everyone who responded. The pharmacist said not to take Rifampin for 5 days. I was waiting for a response from my doctor (still waiting) so I didn’t start the Paxlovid. Fever is gone today so feeling much better, only congestion now.


Hello srsmith
When i had covid last april my id doctor said not to take Paxlovid. So ask you if doctor may be. I hope you don’t suffer too much.

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Hello. Wondering if there were Bronchiectasis/NTM-related reasons why your doctor advised against Paxlovid?


Hello srsmith
When i had covid last april my id doctor said not to take Paxlovid. So ask you if doctor may be. I hope you don’t suffer too much.

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did he say why you should not take it?


My pulmonologist told me if I want paxlovid I’d have to go off meds. for a few days first. She recommended that if I can deal with Covid without going off meds, it might be better. I had a sore throat for a week and was okay so I just got thru Covid without anything. I was very diligent with airway clearance while I had Covid and did ok. Hope you feel better.


I took the paxlovid in august when i had covid(4 days in). I really did recover faster than I have ever done with any cold in the past 4 years. (7 days total). I was pleasantly surprised. I’ve also taken the covid vaccine boosters faithfully and am only on synthroid snd guafenesin.


@srsmith3820, and all...I had the 1st of 2 covid infections last July 2023, 2nd covid in January 2024, just testing negative but with additional problems. When diagnosed in July, I was immediately put on Paxlovid, Mexatrexate-steroid, and an inhaler, Combivent, which works well for me. I had Lung Sarcoid since I was 40 years old and Sarcoid of the skin, lungs, etc.

I'm now 77. I have Bronchiectasis, frequent bronchitis, at least 2-3 X annually. Asthma is worse and more frequent. So, my lungs appear to be my most vulnerable area. I have several other autoimmune illnesses, 3 as the result of the July and Jan. Covid infections. Also, as a result of the July infection, I broke out in a Sarcoid rash on my legs, arms, and hands/wrists/feet were extremely painful for days, and I developed PMR with very bad symptoms and pain, and more. All those autoimmune goodies I'm still experiencing and treating with Prednisone and steroid creams-Kenalog. I wear a hand brace often now for the hand/wrist pain to be able to stand it and use my right hand a bit.

I was pleasantly surprised with the results from the Paxlovid. It resolved my covid symptoms, I had them all and was quite ill, and I didn't get worse lung infections as I was expecting. I was thrilled with the results of the Paxlovid in that regard! The steroid was strong and I reacted to it with many sleepless nights, climbing walls, hyperactivity, and chatty matty for sure! Drove myself crazy! But, I got better quickly, but for the tapering off the steroid.

In Jan Coivd, I was given 3 days of IV Remvesidir infusions by Mayo Covid response. I was again thrilled with the results, as after the 1st IV, my covid symptoms began to lessen and I did feel better. However, I began to worsen with lung involvement, increased phlegm, deep, rough coughing, more headaches, aching, and extreme fatigue. I was feeling pretty rough after the 2nd IV. When I drove in to park for the 3rd day IV, I called for a wheelchair as I was feeling so weak I couldn't walk easily and was told to drive directly to the ER. They refused to see me for the IV until I was seen by the ER. One of the IV nursing staff met me in the ER she was so concerned by my reaction and wanted to be sure I followed instructions and was seen ASAP. I was.

At first, it appeared from bloodwork, that I had a pulmonary embolism. I have a 4.9 ascending aortic aneurysm so was very concerned at the thought of Covid blood clots, etc. The CAT scan in the ER was negative for embolisms, YEA, but positive for Covid pneumonia. Pooh! I'm still dealing with the lung involvement, lots of phlegm/coughing/asthma/shortness of breath...but handling it symptomatically with continued Prednisone for the autoimmune stuff, a Combivent inhaler, and my regular meds.

I'll see my Mayo rheumatologist next week to address all these issues, to discuss and adjust treatment options. I imagine he'll increase or change the Prednisone, but keep me on a steroid for the PMR, GCA, microscopic polymy-whatever-new one, and hopefully get me settled down into remission from all these autoimmune illnesses brought back actively by Covid. We'll see...

I do know the Paxlovid was my salvation for the July infection. They saved the IV infusions for the 2nd, probably keeping me out of the hospital. I know I also kept myself from a serious July episode by using my bi-pap machine with O2 added during the Covid. I use it nightly for obstructive apnea and low O2 saturation at night. It undoubtedly saved my life then, and in this last infection as well. I believe that bi-pap is probably why the ER doc sent me home, with no hospital admittance. He told me if I kept my O2 level above 90, I could stay home. If it dropped below 90, I had to promise to call rescue and get back immediately to the ER for admittance. That seems to be the cut-off for Covid admittance now. So, I did just that and it went down and stayed close to 90 for a couple of days, but then began to stay in the mid-90s, so I'm doing just fine!!!

Quite a long story, but hopefully good information some of you can use to help with your journey with lung issues and Covid and such. It's a trip for sure, but a journey we can survive with determination, independent thoughts, and proactive behavior!

Blessings all, Elizabeth


I had Covid for the first time this Feb.. I mask all the time and use wipes when out in the grocery store most times. Two friends I haven't seen for a while also had it this Feb. for the first time. It must be an easier strain to "catch" this year.
I am not on any medications other than the 7% Saline and really didn't want to take the Paxlovid but not fully knowing all that could come of it, Covid and BE, I did take it.
Are there any other BE patients that had Covid and did not take the Paxlovid.?
If not having taken it, how did you do.?
I wonder how many BE patients get Covid and do not take Paxlovid and how they did without taking it?

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