What helps you help others?

Jan 22, 2020 | Tony Hart | @TonyHart87 | Comments (4)

Two big motivators for being a Champion are helping others find answers and telling your health care story. In our latest email we’ve asked you to vote on what is most useful for you as a Champion. As the results come in, we’ve provided more information and resources on each option to help you discover more about what you find important.


What’s useful as you help other find health care answers or tell your story?

Tips on visiting Mayo like travel info or navigating insurance/billing

The Mayo Clinic Patient Visitor Guide provides practical information about getting care at Mayo Clinic. It helps to know appointment information such as insurance coverage, cost estimations, and why getting a referral might make sense for your insurance. You can also get a better understanding about what to bring to Mayo Clinic and what to expect once you are here. The Patient Visitor Guide is helpful to handle many of questions and concerns of those who may be planning a trip to Mayo Clinic.

Having the latest medical news from Mayo Clinic

Getting the latest health information, medical news, and scientific breakthroughs from Mayo Clinic is useful to stay up to date on what interests you. The Champion Newsfeed pulls the latest updates from around Mayo Clinic into a single list for you to discover. Additionally you can easily share it from your social channels or email to help others see what Mayo Clinic is doing in medicine.

Resources on how to share your story

Some Champions like to share their experience with a broader audience to make a bigger impact. We’ve had Champions talk at support groups, their local church, and even formal presentations like TED talks. Check out the top 10 list of tips to make your next presentation go better than your last.

Having specific ways I can help or participate

Champions want to help others but don’t always know where to start or what they can do. Helping others digitally is an easy way to get started. Champions already have an account on Connect, an online community where you can share your experiences and find support from people like you, which means you can jump right into the discussions and help others who have questions or to ask a question yourself. Champions also receive smaller challenges called #MonthlyMissions through the email newsletters that are specific asks about your experience, opinions, or for you to share something with others. You can see the full list of #MonthlyMissions which can be done at any time.

Knowing where to send others to get help at Mayo

At times, you may get questions about Mayo Clinic that are beyond your personal experience, but you don’t need to know everything. Discover quick ways to direct people to more information if they are seeking care at Mayo Clinic.

Tell us more

We love hearing from our Champions and continue to shape the program based on your feedback. If there are any resources that would help you, please email us at Champions@mayo.edu or leave a comment below to let us know.

Interested in more newsfeed posts like this? Go to the Mayo Clinic Champions blog.

The first need is to get help for myself. If I could figure that out, maybe I could help someone else. But because the Doc refuses to make the call to Mayo-MN, and Mayo-AZ already refused years ago. I am no help to myself or anyone else.


Knowing nothing of your issue, and little of your history, I would suggest that you can self refer to Mayo, thus not having need of your doctor. Certainly worth a phone call. The appointment contacts are on the Mayo website. Hoping for a good result for you.


I have found sharing information can be useful. For example, someone posted a question on what to wear after reverse shoulder replacement, Since I had just been through the procedure, I was able to make suggestions, based on my surgeon’s advice. That way, she could be prepared ahead of time with comfortable clothing.


The first need is to get help for myself. If I could figure that out, maybe I could help someone else. But because the Doc refuses to make the call to Mayo-MN, and Mayo-AZ already refused years ago. I am no help to myself or anyone else.

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Hello @oldkarl, Thanks for reaching out. I'm sorry you've been having trouble. Mayo Clinic generally doesn't require a doctor's referral so you can go ahead and make an appointment yourself. But your insurance might need a referral so it's a good idea to check with your insurance company about coverage requirements first.

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