HABIT Healthy Action to Benefit Independence & Thinking™ Welcome to the HABIT page for people living with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and program participants. The HABIT Program is for individuals with MCI and their loved ones to learn the best strategies for adapting, coping, and living their best lives with MCI. Follow the HABIT blog to receive updates and information about adjusting to MCI and combating dementia.

Resources for those Living with Mild Cognitive Impairment

Yoga for Mindful Aging Video (from the HABIT Healthy Action to Benefit Independence & Thinking ® Program)

Santos OA, Fievre J, Sweet L, Knoefel F, Thomas N. Memory Support System in French: a Pilot Study. Can Geriatr J [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 3 [cited 2024 Sep. 4];27(2):168-77. Available from: https://cgjonline.ca/index.php/cgj/article/view/723

Levy SA, Smith G, De Wit L, DeFeis B, Ying G, Amofa P, Locke D, Shandera-Ochsner A, McAlister C, Phatak V, Chandler M. (2022). Behavioral interventions in mild cognitive impairment (MCI): Lessons from a multicomponent program. Neurotherapeutics, 19, 117–131.

O'Shea DM, de Wit L, Tanner J, Mejia Kurasz A, Amofa P, Perez Lao A, Levy SA, Chandler M, Smith G. (2022). Hippocampal Subfields in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Associations with Objective and Informant-Report of Memory Function. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. Online April 2022.

De Wit L, Kessels RPC, Kurasz AM, Amofa P, O'Shea D, Marsiske M, Chandler MJ, Piai Vi, Lambertus T, & Smith GE. (2022) Declarative learning, priming, and procedural learning performances comparing individuals with amnestic mild cognitive impairment and cognitively unimpaired older adults. JINS, Online Feb 28; 1-13

De Wit L, Piai V, Thangwaritorn P, Johnson B, O'Shea D, Amofa P, Marsiske M, Kessels RPC, Schaefer N, Smith G. (2022). Repetition priming in individuals with amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuropsychology Review, 32 228-246.

Liou H, Stonnington CM, Shah A, Buckner-Petty S, Locke DEC. (2021). Compensatory and lifestyle-based brain health program for subjective cognitive decline: Self-Implementation versus coaching. Brain Sciences, 11, 1306.

Santos O A, Rios-Rosales A, Pedraza O, Bergeron CD, & Chandler M. (2021). Memory Support System in Spanish: A Pilot Study. Brain Sciences, 11(11)

Shandera Ochsner AL, Chandler MJ, Locke DEC, Ball CT, Crook JE, Phatak VS, Smith GE. (2021). Comparative effects of physical exercise and other behavioral interventions on functional status outcomes in mild cognitive impairment. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 8, 805-812.

Locke DEC, Khayoun R, Shandera Ochsner A, Cuc A, Eilertsen J, Caselli M, Abrew K, & Chandler MJ. (2021). Innovation inspired by COVID: A virtual treatment program for patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment at Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality & Outcomes,5(5), 820-826.

Khayoun R, Devick K, Chandler MJ, Shandera-Ochsner AL, De Wit L, Cuc A, Smith GE, Locke DEC. (2021). The impact of patient and partner personality traits on learning success for a cognitive rehabilitation intervention for patients with MCI. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Published online 7/7/21.

De Feis B, Ying G, Kurasz AM, DeWit L, Amofa P, Chandler M, Locke D, Shandera-Oschner A, Phatak V, Dean P, Smith G. (2021). Latent factor structure of outcome measures used in the HABIT ® Mild Cognitive Impairment intervention program. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 84, 193-205.

Phatak VS, Smith GE, Locke DEC, Shandera-Ochsner A, Dean P, Ball C, Gutierrez G, Chandler MJ. (2021). Computerized cognitive training (CCT) versus yoga impact on 12-month post intervention cognitive outcome in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Brain Sciences. 11(8), 988.

Chandler M, Graff Radford M, Lucas P, Locke DEC, Crook J, Ball C, Caselli M, Lunde A, Phatak V, Smith GE. (2021). Yoga training impacts physical function 12 months post intervention for care partners of those with Mild Cognitive Impairment. OBM Geriatrics, 5(1).

De Wit L, Chandler M, Amofa P, DeFeis B, Mejia A, O’Shea D, Locke D, Fields J, Smith G. (2021). Memory Support System training in mild cognitive impairment: Predictors of learning and adherence. Neuropsychology Rehabilitation. 31, 92-104

Amofa PA, Locke DEC, Chandler M, Crook JE, Ball CT, Phatak V, Smith GE (2021). Comparative effectiveness of behavioral interventions to prevent or delay dementia: One year partner outcomes. J Prev Alz Dis,1(8):33-40.

Kurasz AM, DeFeis B, Locke DEC, De Wit L, Amofa P, Smith G, Chandler M. Psychometric Properties of the Self-Efficacy for Managing Mild Cognitive Impairment Scale (2021).  Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2021 36:174–181

Amofa P, DeFeis B, De Wit L, O’Shea D, Mejia A, Chandler M, Locke D, Fields J, Phatak V, Dean P, Crook J, Smith G. (2020) Functional ability is associated with higher adherence to behavioral interventions in mild cognitive impairment. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 34:5, 937-955, 1-19.

Chandler MJ, Locke DE, Crook JE, Fields JA, Ball CT, Phatak VS, Dean PM, Morris M, Smith GE. (2019) Comparative effectiveness of behavioral interventions on quality of life for older adults with mild cognitive impairment. JAMA Netw Open, 2(5), e193016. 1-12. PubMed PMID: 31099860

Langer K, O'Shea D, De Wit L, DeFeis B, Mejia A, Amofa P, Chandler M, Locke D, Fields J, Phatak V, Dean P, Smith G. (2019). Self-efficacy mediates the association between physical functioning and perceived quality of life in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease,68 (4), 1511-1519. PMID: 30909227.

DeWit L, O'Shea DM, Chandler M, Bhaskar T, Tanner J, Vemuri P, Crook J, Morris M, Smith G. Physical exercise and cognitive engagement outcomes for mild neurocognitive disorder: A group-randomized pilot trial. Trials. 2018. 19: 573. PMID: 30340619.

O'Shea DM, DeWit L, Smith GE. Doctor, should I use computer games to prevent dementia? Clin Gerontol. 2017 Oct 10, 42(1)" 3-16. PMID: 29020530.

Smith GE, Chandler M, Fields JA, Aakra J, Locke DEC. (2018). A survey of patient and partner treatment outcome and treatment preferences in Mild Cognitive Impairment. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 63(4): 1459-1468. PMID: 29843239.

Smith G, Chandler M, Locke DEC, Fields J, Phatak V, Crook J, Hanna S, Lunde A, Morris M, Graff-Radford M, Hughes CA, Lepore S, Cuc A, Caselli M, Hurst D, Wethe J, Francone A, Eilertsen J, Lucas P, Hoffman Snyder C, Kuang L, Becker M, Dean P, Diehl N, Lofquist M, Vanderhook S, Myles D, Cochran D. (2017). Behavioral interventions to prevent or delay dementia: Protocol for a randomized comparative effectiveness study. JMIR Res Protoc, 6(11) e223. PMID: 29180344.

Chandler M, Locke DEC, Duncan N, Hanna S, Cuc A, Fields J, Hoffman Snyder C, Lunde A, Smith GE. (2017). Computer vs. compensatory calendar training in individuals with mild cognitive impairment: functional impact in a pilot study. Brain Sciences, 7, 112-122. PMID: 28878146.

Cuc AV, Locke DEC, Duncan N, Fields JA, Snyder CH, Hanna S, Lunde A, Smith GE, Chandler M. (2017). A pilot randomized trial of two cognitive rehabilitation interventions for mild cognitive impairment: caregiver outcomes. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 32, e180-e187. PMID: 28233343.

Barrios PG, Gonzalez RP, Hanna SM, Lunde AM, Fields JA, Locke DEC, Smith GE. (2016). Priority of treatment outcomes for caregivers and patients with mild cognitive impairment: Preliminary analysis. Neurology and Therapy, 5(2), 183-192. PMID: 27506698.

Chandler MJ, Parks AC, Marsiske M, Rotblatt LJ, Smith GE (2016). Everyday impact of cognitive interventions in mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuropsychology Review, 26, 225-251. PMID: 27632385.

Locke DEC, Chandler Greenaway M, Duncan N, Fields JA, Cuc AV, Hoffman Snyder C, Hanna S, Lunde A, Smith GE. (2014). A patient-centered analysis of enrollment and retention in a randomized behavioral trail of two cognitive rehabilitation interventions for mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease, 1(3), 143-150. PMID: 27398353.

Greenaway MC, Duncan NL, Smith GE. (2012) The memory support system for mild cognitive impairment: a randomized trial of a cognitive rehabilitation intervention. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 28(4), 402-409. PMID: 22678947.

Greenaway MC, Hanna SM, Lepore SW, Smith GE. (2008) A behavioral rehabilitation intervention for amnestic mild cognitive impairment. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Disorders, 23(5), 451-461. PMID: 18955724.