Virtual Research Opportunity!

Apr 22, 2020 | Dona Locke | @DrDonaLocke


I hope this post finds all of you safe and healthy. If there is any good news in all the changes that have come due to Coronovirus and subsequent changes to medical care, it is the rise of more and more virtual options for our patients. Below, I wanted to make you aware of a virtual research opportunity for those living with memory concerns or Mild Cognitive Impairment. My colleagues at Arizona State University, led by Dr. David Coon, and I have been interested in the needs of those living alone with memory loss. Here at Mayo Clinic, we have the HABIT Healthy Action to Benefit Independence and Thinking program and Dr. Coon has developed another intervention called Early Partners In Care (EPIC). However, both of these interventions are designed to be completed with a program partner. Dr. Coon and I realize that there are many individuals out there living with memory loss who do not have a partner, and we'd like to hear from you and understand your needs better. Therefore, Dr. Coon and his team are leading focus groups on the topic, which will now be done virtually, to learn more from those living alone with MCI or memory loss. So, if you have memory loss and are living alone and you'd be interested in participating by sharing your experience, please give Dr. Coon's coordinator a call (602-496-1239). Because this is virtual, this is open to anyone, anywhere, not just to those local in Arizona. There is a telephone screening process and then a one-time focus group. We hope to hear from as many of you as possible!

MCI Flyer (28Jan2020)

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