Mindful Care Partnering program is a 7-week (17 hour) virtual program that is uniquely designed for persons who are currently supporting a family member with dementia. Participates will learn and experience how the practice of mindfulness, including self-compassion, can help cope with the challenges of being in a caregiving role. The virtual program includes mindful sharing, lectures, interactive activities, gentle yoga, and opportunities to experience a variety of mindfulness practices.
Dates: April 29-June 10
Time: Fridays 9:30-11:30 a.m. Central Time - longer session on week 1 and 6, see below
Location: Online Zoom Gathering. Participants must have access to a computer and be able to participate in video calls via Zoom.
Attendance: Participants must be able to attend all 7 weeks at the dates and times below.
April 29
May 6
Core Practices
May 13
Care-Partnering Introduction
60-minute recorded lecture to view on your own
May 20
Care Partnering—Mindfulness Connection
May 27
Mind States
June 3
June 10
A Fresh Attitude
Program Facilitator: Angela Lunde, M.A.
Associate in Neurology, Mayo Clinic Alzheimer’s’ Disease Research Center, Mayo Clinic
Angela has worked in the field of dementia care and dementia caregiving since 2001. She currently serves as Co-director and Education Manager for the Outreach, Recruitment, and Engagement Core at the Mayo Clinic Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Her interests and research focus are in the emotional and quality of life factors experienced in those living with dementia and caregivers. She has professional training in mindfulness-based therapies including MBSR, grief and loss, and Dignity Therapy. She completed the Mayo Clinic Wellness Coaching Program and is a certified yoga instructor with over 1,000 hours of teaching experience. Angela created a yoga and mindfulness curriculum for HABIT Healthy Action to Benefit Independence and Thinking ®, a 50-hour multi-component program that builds on existing strengths and the empowerment that comes from supportive relationships. Angela participated in the inaugural Mindfulness Based Dementia Care (MBDC) Facilitator Training in 2017. She is the co-author of the 2020 Book: Mayo Clinic on Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias.
How can I sign up for this virtual class?
One day, I plan to attend this very interesting session. I am unable to commit 100% to these dates because of a conflict with family travel plans.
@drmelaniechandler, how can people sign up for this course?
Great Question, and thank you @christinesn for catching that! Please send an email of interest to: Rethemeier.Nicholas@mayo.edu