Anti-TNF Agents for Crohn’s Disease

Sep 4, 2014 | Kanaaz Pereira, Connect Moderator | @kanaazpereira

Sunanda Kane, M.D., discusses a recently published study in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics about the superiority of anti-TNF agents for Crohn’s disease.
Patients are interested in knowing if one anti-TNF agent is better than the others. Researchers at the University of Michigan conducted a study using statistical methods from previous studies. The results showed there was no difference between using Remicade, Humira, or Cimzia to induce remission of Crohn's disease. Whether it's by IV or injection, all three methods were effective at treating Crohn's disease. This is a novel study that takes data already available and compares the outcomes statistically. The results give an idea of whether there is a trend indicating which medicine is better for treatment. In this study, the results show that all three medications appear to be equivalent for treating Crohn's disease.

Read the full study online here.

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Dr. Kane is a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic.

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