Welcome to the Mayo Clinic Chronic Pain & Symptoms Rehabilitation blog. Here, you can find information about the Pain Rehabilitation Center (PRC) at Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida, including best clinical practices, lifestyle management techniques for chronic pain and symptoms, and PRC staff and patient graduate highlights. Follow the blog for the most up-to-date knowledge on chronic pain and symptoms rehabilitation.

Chronic Pain and Symptoms Research

This tab represents the most up-to-date and clinically sound research for chronic pain and symptoms. Check this tab for newly posted articles as we will continue to provide the best information for evidence-based practice.

Economic Analysis of a Comprehensive Pain Rehabilitation Program: A Collaboration Between Florida Blue and Mayo Clinic Florida

This study demonstrates that patients completing a comprehensive pain rehabilitation program decrease their health care utilization behavior and medical costs. The results of this study are consistent with emerging models of health care, emphasizing the positive outcomes of self-management and primary care for chronic conditions.



The Efficacy of Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation for Improving Function in People with Chronic Pain

This study examines the efficacy of interdisciplinary rehabilitation for improving function in people with chronic pain. Objective and subjective outcome measures found that comprehensive interdisciplinary outpatient rehabilitation can significantly improve function in people with chronic pain.

Kurklinsky et al (2016) - The Efficacy of Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation for Improving Function in People with Chronic Pain