Living well with melanoma: Meet @grammato3

Mar 21 8:00am | Teresa, Volunteer Mentor | @hopeful33250 | Comments (18)

Member spotlight @grammato3 and her 2 dogs

TERESA: What brought you to Mayo Clinic Connect?

@grammato3: I can’t recall exactly how I found out about Mayo Clinic Connect, probably as an extension of being treated in the Melanoma Clinic at Mayo’s Phoenix campus. I started taking part in the discussions shortly after I began immunotherapy for my stage IV metastatic melanoma. I’m glad I did as I’ve found it incredibly helpful in numerous ways.

TERESA: What motivates you to take part in Mayo Clinic Connect?

@grammato3: Dealing with a specific cancer diagnosis can feel extremely isolating and frequently frightening. The online community offered through Mayo Connect provides a convenient, supportive way to share experiences, offer encouragement and get guidance from others who have been or are going through similar medical journeys.

TERESA: What about Mayo Clinic Connect makes you feel comfortable to share and to be open with the community?

@grammato3: I’ve gained a sense of belonging and a comfort level being amongst members. I consider them my peers in a lot of ways and right from the very beginning. I attribute this to the fact that we all share the same or similar diagnoses and have an understanding of the myriad of emotions we tend to go through that others – our family or friends – may not fully understand. There’s a very non-judgmental attitude. People offer empathy, practical advice and coping strategies that are really helpful.

TERESA: What support groups do you participate in?

@grammato3: I'm active in the Cancer support group and also participate in the monthly Melanoma Support Group Meeting facilitated by Heidi Turner, L.G.S.W., M.S.W., a Clinical Research Coordinator at Mayo Clinic.

TERESA: Tell us about a meaningful moment on Mayo Clinic Connect.

@grammato3: I recently shared on the forum how, after I attended a webinar on melanoma, I experienced a Paradigm Shift in Thinking. Specifically, that I don’t consider myself as HAVING metastatic melanoma so much as LIVING with metastatic melanoma. It was so heartwarming to not only get over 30 positive responses to the discussion but to hear from other members who have faced serious, even terminal conditions, and shared their own stories of transformative thinking. For example, one person shared how their life went from their worst to best version of self, focusing on wellness and well-being resulting in an improved quality of life. Another member commented that it may be a different life, but one well-lived. Yet another shared the importance of being an active participant with her healthcare team and how that helped bring about peace of heart and mind. It’s a very empowering and inspiring mindset to focus on quality of life as opposed to quantity.

TERESA: What surprised you the most about Mayo Clinic Connect? 

@grammato3: There is a wide and diverse range of individuals who come to and benefit from Mayo Clinic Connect – one need not be undergoing services at Mayo to join Connect. That had been my initial impression and I’m glad to see that’s not the case as so many benefit from the various forums.

TERESA: What energizes you, or how do you find balance in your life?

@grammato3: First and foremost: gratitude. I have a stone on my desk reminding me of this daily practice – to find joy every day with how I’ve been blessed; what brings me happiness, what I have – not focusing on things I don’t have or wish I did. Following what I’ve come to know as the Middle Path: making room for compromise, which tends to validate our feelings and those of another towards a more harmonious outcome and avoids extreme thinking. It helps to maintain flexibility, peace and contentment.

TERESA: Tell us about your favorite pastime or activity.

@grammato3: In addition to reading and being the founder of our community book club, I have enjoyed volunteering at the local children’s hospital for eight years with my therapy dog. Regrettably, she died last year after a brief illness. I have spent the past several months training a new puppy who will be getting her accreditation shortly. Maybe someday in the not-too-distant future, she’ll be greeting visitors at the Mayo Clinic Phoenix campus!

TERESA: Do you have a favorite quote, life motto or personal mantra?

@grammato3: I learned this from my mother: “Welcome triumphs with joy and accept sorrows with dignity.

 TERESA: What food can you simply not resist? 

@grammato3: I don’t know if this technically qualifies as a food, but I have to go with M&Ms! In fact, whenever we go to Las Vegas, I’d gladly bypass the casinos in favor of a visit to M&M World. Last time we went, to see the Eagles at the Sphere, I sheepishly admit I dropped $30 on an assortment of my favorite kind (they’re obviously all my favorite).

TERESA: Puppies or kittens? 

@grammato3: A year of puppy training has reminded me – kittens are easier. But out of respect to my current labradoodles Coby and Lexi, I’ll have to say “puppies”!


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Thanks for sharing your story. I really like how you changed the mindset of Having and illness versus Living with an illness - it's spot on. Your favorite quote is very inspirational too!

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Thank YOU, Debbie - I'm touched you found that mindset and quote inspirational. It's so hard struggling with conditions we have no control of and in some cases for which there are no answers. The least we can do is try to improve our outlook as much as possible.


@grammato3 ,

Great pic and what an inspiring story! So glad to see you are living life well. And, I love your mantra! I’ve put it in my phone.

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Cool about the mantra on your phone! And I have to give major credit to my dog babies for enlivining the picture. I am definitely trying to live life well within the parameters of some necessary changes; for instance, for me that means no more planning travel months down the road. But that's okay. I'm in the driver's seat, not looking too far down the road and prepared for some potholes I might hit. The rearview mirror has prepared me that things occurred in the past I can't control and undoubtedly there will be more to come but my vehicle is prepared to handle them as are my passengers -- and I consider the friends I've gained here some of those very passengers I can count on when the road may get rough!
Wishing you the best on your road ahead.


Your courage and outlook is so uplifting! Thank you for your inspirational story.

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Honestly, I needed to hear this. I can share with you that I have a friend who felt I was "bragging". I was taken aback at first - shocked she felt that way, and more than a bit insulted. But I've come to realize that is likely her projection at work; not everyone can integrate emotions involving chronic - even terminal - conditions to arrive at a place of coexistance, not even so much acceptance. But I suppose it's like getting to the summit of a mountain - there are different paths to arrive there and we all have to choose the one that's most comfortable for us. I've chosen mine; I'm glad it's inspired others but I'm aware it's not for everyone.


I appreciate the opportunity to introduce you to the Mayo Connect Community, @grammato3! The paradigm shift you mentioned when you said, "...I don’t consider myself as HAVING metastatic melanoma so much as LIVING with metastatic melanoma" is a shift in thinking that many of us acquire when we come to accept a chronic illness as part of our life, but not as defining our life.

While not everyone on Connect has met you before, I'm glad this Spotlight will give others the opportunity to hear your story and take something from it that they can use. Thanks for reaching out to others through Connect. Your story helps us all.

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Pleasure might be on over-reach of the word to use here because, let's face it, not exactly a pleasure being diagnosed with any form of cancer or condition that has such an impact on ones life! But it truly has been a pleasure and a definite opportunity to learn and share in getting to interact with others in similar positions, facing similar challenges and choices, emotions, etc.

Empowerment is such a vital part of dealing with the various medical situations we find ourselves in -- and Mayo Connect is vital tool in which we can share that with one another. I look forward to hearing from others in future Spotlights.


That's cute about the colors! And the protein aspect. I'm going to go have a couple now as an afternoon pick-me-up, thanks for the nutrition reminder > lol

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I got a true chuckle here--thank you!


Thank you for your spotlight! I especially like your way saying “that you live with…”. I’ve started saying that to myself. It does make a mind change, so I’ll just keep on saying it until I truly believe it.


Thank you for your spotlight! I especially like your way saying “that you live with…”. I’ve started saying that to myself. It does make a mind change, so I’ll just keep on saying it until I truly believe it.

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You go, girl! I’m cheering 📣 you on!!


Thank you for introducing us to your life. Your Pups are the cutest and i bet the best dogs ever. I agree with so much of what you said. I do not have metastatic but nearly 1 year past my bone marrow transplant and 3 years with my breast cancer removed, I live with each day going forward. I love what you wrote in looking through the metastatic window. Living with it and not having it. I love that we are here to share. We learn so much from each other.

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