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872 total results
Comments (844)
Hello all, I'm a 70-year-old male and was told by a neurologist in January 2022 that...
Where I am at now is I noticed that R-Alpha ... Lipoic Acid was mentioned many times
I’ve read everything regarding R-alpha lipoic acid. Texted my Primary Doctor and he replied in the...
I’ve read everything regarding R-alpha ... lipoic acid.
I am taking 600mg per day I was taking 2700 mg per day. Started taking alpha...
Started taking alpha lipoic acid
I take a homeopathic remedy, Sciatic Nerve Relief by Newton Laboratories. Helps a lot, plus CBD...
Innovative CBD; Acetyl L Carnitine and Alpha ... Lipoic Acid.
This sounds like neuropathy to me. Consider daily 600-900mg ALA, (Alpha Lipoic Acid). I got feeling...
Consider daily 600-900mg ALA, (Alpha ... Lipoic Acid).
I live in northern California. One of the doctor's at the wellness center said they had...
vitamins and supplements, including Alpha ... Lipoic Acid, which I already take.
Yes all the usual suspects like Vit B and Alpha Lipoic Acid…I swim to get some...
the usual suspects like Vit B and Alpha ... Lipoic Acid…I swim to get some exercise
Thank you Debbie! So often the side effects are worse than what I would be being...
have also heard good things about Alpha ... Lipoic Acid, have you tried that?
Yes, upon advice of my neurologist, i take alpha lipoic acid 600mg 2/day, tumeric 1500mg 2/day....
upon advice of my neurologist, i take alpha ... lipoic acid 600mg 2/day, tumeric 1500mg
I have fibromyalgia and SFN. I was told to take 300 mg of alpha lipoic acid...
I was told to take 300 mg of alpha lipoic ... acid twice daily.
Before I found the Facebook group which started the Protocol 525, I was researching supplement that...
that may help and was only taking Alpha ... Lipoic Acid and fish oil for the Omega ... 3 fatty acids but learned they are ... I learned the "cheap" Alpha ... Lipoic Acid I was buying wasn't
I had my 2nd TKR in August 2021. It was the same ortho who did my...
neurologist from Europe who said they used alpha ... lipoic acid in Europe, 600mg for 4-
Thank you Janine. I appreciate your journey and empathize with you. I'm starting to experience leg...
I'm taking Alpha Lipoic Acid and
Hi-I’m sorry. Neuropathy was just added as a condition to be researched last yr. I’ve got...
Alpha Lipoic Acid is a good supplement
Beware of very bad side effects with Lyrica! I'm using R alpha lipoic acid, and PEA...
I'm using R alpha lipoic acid, and
ty for your response and the tips. Is the alpha lipoic acid suppose to help neuropathy?
Is the alpha lipoic acid suppose to
Dear Connielaine: I got burning mouth syndrome the last time after I was diagnosed with hypothyroid,...
Lipoic Acid a day relieved the BMS ... , which is DIFFERENT from Alpha Lipoic ... Lipoic Acid, and began taking it. ... Whether Alpha Lipoic Acid was the reason ... lipoic acid and burning mouth syndrome
@ray666 - Ray -- Now .... this seems more interesting. I have an appt with my...
components and I'm already on Alpha ... Lipoic Acid.
I would reiterate the value of R-Alpha Lipoic Acid. My neurologist pointed out that even though...
I would reiterate the value of R-Alpha ... Lipoic Acid. ... Would they have to test i.e. all R-Aplha ... Lipoic Acids from each vitamin company
I have read that some people have bi-lateral TN so it shouldn't be ruled out. Mine...
are hot compresses, walks and taking Alpha ... Lipoic Acid.
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