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5,111 total results
Mine have been hazy since 2002 when I had bacterial spinal meningitis. No on would listen...
and had to go to Boston to get my diagnosis ... of my tremors being caused by the neuropathy
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: May 2 6:26am
Ask your neurologist for a tissue biopsy. They take small pieces of tissue from your ankle...
So my diagnosis: non length dependent ... small fiber sensory neuropathy. ... Autonomic neuropathy. ... to slow down the progression of the neuropathy
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Oct 14, 2022
Hi , yes I am a female and only know that GBS which is what a...
know that GBS which is what a was diagnosed ... considered a classic acute autoimmune neuropathy ... CIDP is a classic chronic autoimmune neuropathy ... for Ms because it cannot be properly diagnosed
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: May 3 11:21am