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1,446 total results
@slobignat Hi, Stephanie. Welcome to the group. You'll find here many good people who share issues...
I recently had a Burst DR spinal cord ... stimulator implant to treat my peripheral
Hi @eddougher, I would like to add my welcome to Mayo Connect along with Hazel's. Connect...
a few Connect members talk about a spinal ... cord stimulator that helps with the ... /
Hi Jim (@jimhd), I'm really happy to hear the spinal cord stimulator is giving you some...
I'm really happy to hear the spinal ... cord stimulator is giving you some
@pkindron, I also have peripheral neuropathy, with no discernable cause. I've tried every medication available for...
BUT, 5 weeks ago, I had a spinal cord ... stimulator implant, and after the surgery
@swiss I don't really know the cost, but you can get information about it at Burst...
the wires into the space around your spinal ... cord, and attach the leads to the nerves ... inventor's initials, and there are other stimulators