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2,071 total results
marmymoomy, Referral's are a big pain. You mentioned dry eyes, skin, what about a dry mouth?...
You mentioned dry eyes, skin, what about ... a dry mouth? ... These are just the dry "sicca&#34 ... any medications for it, The ones for dry ... was given the visual proof that I needed
Yup, 21 days! In a nutshell: 1) Much less fatigue. Not up for a 10K but...
there and being annoying; 3) Very dry ... mouth, need to work on that; 4) Zero ... It’s that and my very dry tongue that ... Just need to be patient, I feel for
Support Group: Head & Neck Cancer
Posted: Nov 15 3:26pm
Hi Sheilagreen, I might be able to help somewhat, since I've had some pretty consistent success...
You need to write down what works (once ... But more often than not, I need the ... no matter what you do, things will dry ... extracts the water, and things get too dry
Support Group: Digestive Health
Posted: Sep 30 2:49pm