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501 total results
I am having the opposite problem it seems. My doctor just wants to give me medicine...
get on and off and the joint pain, tingling ... in my hands and feet plus often numbness ... time with patients they just rush us right
Support Group: Autoimmune Diseases
Posted: Dec 4, 2018
Hi, Vickie @vickiekersch I have peripheral neuropathy, as well, though it's not related to any other...
I wear shoes that don't cushion my feet ... or if I walk or stand too long, my feet ... The numbness and tingling are still ... I'm having a bunch of tests done right
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Sep 17, 2017
Hello @barbararene - you are right, PMR is the Frankenstein disease. I've had the old man...
Hello @barbararene - you are right, ... shoulders and show up later in the feet ... which normally starts in the hands and feet ... peripheral neuropathy but I only have the numbness ... /tingling and not any pain. 4 mg
Good evening @mmksf, I see you have been dealing with some neuropathy symptoms for a while....
you have no pain, just what I call tingle ... tangles. ... and needles in just the toes of my right ... to spread until at this point, my feet ... are quite numb.
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: May 16, 2023
Hi Jan @janetlee23, Welcome to Connect. Sorry to hear that you have joined the PN club....
discussions on vitamin B6 that you might ... pain with your neuropathy in your feet ... or just numbness and some tingling?
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jun 4, 2023