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  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
4,206 total results
Welcome @janettec, Sorry to hear you are having difficulty tapering off of prednisone with your PMR....
to hear you are having difficulty tapering ... off of prednisone with your PMR. ... following discussions helpful: -- Tapering ... /discussion/prednisone/ -- PMR Dosages ... discussion/pmr-dosages/ I found tapering
I was diagnosed with PMR in Jan. 2022 and put on 20 mgs. of Pred. It...
There is no race to the finish for tapering ... Wednesday next, but since I've been on Prednisone ... #34;journey", but slow down the tapering
Hello @dsmith337, Welcome to Connect. You are mostly correct from what I've read. I was 64...
is a very short time to be able to taper ... off of prednisone for PMR. ... occurrence took me 3 and half years to taper