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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
553 total results
Im 65 years of age. I worked a very physical job heavy lifting on my feet...
I wore an off loader brace (got from ... I also need the other knee done. ... I will be getting the other knee done ... The no pain in my knee joint and getting
It's very frustrating and extremely depressing to know there is no cure or real remedy for...
when he said I have arthritis in my knees ... Racing heart, pulse rate and BP fluctuations
Gordy - The formation of scar tissue can be a problem, and like everything else in...
After one knee repair surgery, I was ... around my ankle to gently pull my knee ... Hang in there - this is a road race,
For me the end game is the 2-1/2 inches if I want to walk without limping....
I also have two knee replacements as ... not the right I can still use the brake
@ga29 I never wore a back brace.. Occasionally I would wear an elastic back binder that...
@ga29 I never wore a back brace.. ... on the floor with my legs below the knees