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- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,267 total results
I have neuropathy for over 25 years and found the only things that helps is oxycodone....
taught not to use them or any other opioids ... I use marijuana I will be off the opioids ... prescribed by him and the pain center
I am 3 weeks post op and my pain at night is worse than the first...
I am 3 weeks post op and my pain at ... I had even cut back almost off the opioids ... Doctor’s nurse says I cut back on opioids ... Pain killers do work but once that pain ... don’t get why Week 3 would be more pain
Tracy 70. I literally feel your pain. I am now 8 weeks pst left TKR. It...
I literally feel your pain. ... knee amputation would get me out of pain ... not allow me to stay ahead of the pain ... Concern over opioid addiction has changed ... the one time thought that good pain
Lol, define "too healthy." Are you on vitamin supplements? D is a big one and you...
Methadone and Ketamine being used for pain ... endorphins chemicals at a slower rate than opioids ... Ketamine can be used as an alternative to opioids
The pain management is careful to tell you that they do not prescribe opioids from the...
The pain management is careful to tell ... you that they do not prescribe opioids