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4,648 total results
The xanax and beta blockers I take because of a brain aneurysm I had in 2011....
That fight or flight feeling you get ... used to feel like a machine gun in my chest ... #39;t remember what it's called right ... That night I couldn't hardly move ... and felt good for about 3 days then right
After a bout with covid in 2022, I experienced low oxygen levels which lead to a...
low oxygen my heart didn't work right ... about a month then I started having chest
God bless you thanks for sharing I take 1800 mg of Gabapentin and it's seems to...
neuropathy and he added another 300 mg at night ... filled a numbness in my left side of my chest
I know I'm late to this discussion, I wouldnt have been if the hospital would have...
go through what I am going through right ... the ER and the doctor did a CT of my chest ... , abdomen and pelvis which showed right
Hi Rose830, I had to look up Merkel Cell Cancinoma as I'm not familiar with it....
can be your own advocate and ask the right ... cancer returned 2.5 years ago in my chest