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443 total results
I have this. It damaged my nervous system and I ho in and out of remission....
Its turning into a nuropathy. ... Accupuncture helps
I've had idiopathic peripheral neuropathy for about 20 years now. First drug I used was Gabapentin....
I've had idiopathic peripheral neuropathy ... that really had no effect for me like acupuncture
@mrmacabre I have small fiber neuropathy and many other issues like you and can empathize about...
I have small fiber neuropathy ... if the same happens when people get acupuncture ... punch biopsy to diagnose small fiber neuropathy
I am jumping on the acupuncture band wagon. I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer...
I am jumping on the acupuncture band ... The neuropathy in my feet has not gone ... I finally tried acupuncture for the
Ask your doctor about possible neuropathy due to the oxaliplatin. Experiencing arm pain after receiving oxaliplatin...
Ask your doctor about possible neuropathy ... chemotherapy drug can cause **peripheral neuropathy ... **Acupuncture**: Some patients find ... relief from acupuncture, which can help