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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
894 total results
I've been living with idiopathic polyneuropathy since my mid-40s, over 20 years ago. With the exception...
learned to deal with the tingling, electric-like ... shocks and pins-and-needles sensations
Well, in reality I think anything can be possible under certain cicumstances. From the information you...
Electroencephliagram (test on brain operation by electrical ... by your post with electrocution or shock
Hi @deby I think u have described my symptoms I to have a stick electric shock...
described my symptoms I to have a stick electric ... shock all over my body an itch-lik.
Yes, the doctor said it’s very common with dementia BUT it’s much worse with men when...
shirt to be changed daily (but not socks ... He sleeps in his clothes, socks, and ... Take off shoes, socks, pants, underwear ... dry shampoo for hair once weekly, electric ... loves Walmart- the tool section, the electrical
Hi Everyone, how are you? I have been quiet for a while, but I have been...
clammy at times and getting very brief eletric ... shocks from the bottom right side of