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443 total results
Hi @emilymac. My heart goes out to your hsuband. Nausea from chemo can debilitating. There are...
There are members who have used acupuncture ... references can be found by typing in Acupunture ... cancer patients for nausea, peripheral neuropathy ... Let me know if acupuncture helps him
I see the accupuncturist once every 4-5 weeks for chronic foot pain ( neuropathy) and it...
4-5 weeks for chronic foot pain ( neuropathy ... Allows me to use self-accupuncture between
Thank you, I read the information and comments and followed John's links. It is interesting. I...
I don't have peripheral neuropathy ... , I have Axonal Sensory Neuropathy - ... anything I ingest and the days when neuropathy ... I haven't tried acupuncture yet
I am not using this product, nor is my spouse, but I do read up on...
IgM MGUS with worsening peripheral neuropathy ... mechanisms (he's done all the PT, acupuncture
Hi I am 79 years old and have neuropathy. I just started taking Nortriptyline 20 mg...
I am 79 years old and have neuropathy ... prescribed it after trying Gabapentin, Acupuncture