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554 total results
Hi, Gailb! My story is almost identical to yours except for the braces/polio as a child....
identical to yours except for the braces ... and hip pain, I have two artificial knees
So are you saying you had to relax for 4 weeks. I did not know that....
My knee is bone on bone but now I use ... a brace for volleyball and walking ... The brace Pushes the Knee to OPEN up ... . to pay instead of all the $$,$$$ knee
My knee is "bone on bone" have a brace to Push knee joint open to receive...
My knee is "bone on bone" have a brace ... to Push knee joint open to receive
Hello from Texas, I just want to bring you up to date. I had TKR Sept.,...
Ultimately my knee hyperextended (bowing ... I was in a very heavy full leg brace ... will say that after I took off the brace
Yes. I can find $350 if this can halo me. They telling me that doctors know...
weight and it feels like my spine is braking ... My knees are numb and hurting so bad