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  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,026 total results
Hi @artist01, I am so sorry about your eyesight and your strokes. Were you suffering a...
Although my mother-in-law had GCA, and ... that more people post about PMR than GCA ... I was wondering when PMR and GCA were
Posted: Oct 19, 2021
Hi @maryft, Here's some information on how GCA is diagnosed. From what I remember my rheumatologist...
Here's some information on how GCA ... higher dose of prednisone if you have GCA ... as the diagnostic gold standard for GCA
Discussion: PMR and vision
Posted: Aug 14, 2021
I received the original shingles vaccine that was all in one dose by a different manufacturer....
GCA is a secondary consequence of PMR ... I, too, was told that GCA is negative ... caused so many to acquire PMR and GCA