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980 total results
Good morning all - @annemarie74 @barracudacool Can you tell me if you would describe the pain/stiffness...
as EXACTLY the way you experienced PMR ... pilates again have kept up with PT exercises ... So i now can't tell if this is PMR
@christopherc, My first time with PMR lasted 3-1/2 years until I could taper off of prednisone....
@christopherc, My first time with PMR ... try to get in 30 to 45 minutes a day exercise ... on my recumbent cross trainer exercise ... I just try not to overdo the exercising ... nothing like my two occurrences of PMR
Discussion: PMR Remission
Posted: Nov 15, 2023
At present, I have no choice but to take prednisone, even with osteoporosis, since it's either...
live in excruciating pain from the PMR ... I can and get daily weight-bearing exercise ... going to have to stay on some kind of PMR