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4,679 total results
For a few months now I have been experiencing chest discomfort on the upper left side....
months now I have been experiencing chest ... certain direction that stretches the chest ... I was a light smoker for about 10 years ... because I noticed it was making the chest ... fluttering/pulsing sensation in my right
Support Group: Heart & Blood Health
Posted: Feb 6, 2019
@ann0616 Like I told you before, I have also been going to the UW Pulmonary Clinic...
I've had chest X-rays, CT scans, ... two nodules that showed up in the chest ... ever feel worse I should go see him right
Discussion: first doctor visit
Support Group: MAC & Bronchiectasis
Posted: Feb 6, 2019
@m188213 we are always happy to help them in whatever way we can. You are doing...
You are doing all of the right things ... conscious of those little things you might ... you don’t record everything you are cheating