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2,762 total results
Jennifer, thank you for your information which could help many. Right now I have overcome several...
Right now I have overcome several chronic ... understand why Medicare will not require allergy
Support Group: Joint Replacements
Posted: Jul 18, 2021
Allergy Testing- My orthopedist also said it was highly unlikely to be allergic to TKR components...
Allergy Testing- My orthopedist also ... said it was highly unlikely to be allergic ... The best thing I ever did for myself ... I was not allergic to titanium, but ... I have allergies to several adhesives
Wow you have really been through a lot. I don’t think my problem is related to...
think my problem is related to an allergic ... I’ve also never had a problem with other ... so I don’t think it has to do with allergies
@loribmt. HI Lori. I love that - free to bee!! Haha. I love honey bees too...
I love honey bees too but I'm allergic ... would plant the flora these planet savers
Support Group: Just Want to Talk
Posted: Jul 7, 2021
Boy can I relate to that! That was my problem and for several years during this...
That was my problem and for several ... tried some sleep meds, and had an allergic ... I self medicated with that, and never ... I was so healthy and never believed ... that I would ever get sick.