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891 total results
@tacitsentinel I'm sorry you are going through these spine issues. I am a Mayo spine surgery...
It can also feel electric shock-like
Thank you all for your insight and inspiration, much needed! I FINALLY received a diagnosis after...
doctor visits, lab tests, sweat test, electrical ... shock (as I call it), biopsy and retracing
@kat183990 I am a Mayo spine surgery patient who had stenosis in the Central canal with...
Later if I bent my neck, I sent an electric ... shock down my entire body.
@neverrest My heart breaks for you. We have much in common. I also was shocked/electric sensations...
I also was shocked/electric sensations
@summer156 Hi and welcome to Mayo Connect. Have you had any sort of diagnosis for this...
severe is the pain involved with these electrical ... shock like feelings?