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443 total results
I have used accupucture quite a number oof times for peripheral neuropathy, not in my feet...
a number oof times for peripheral neuropathy ... Accupuncture releasers that heaviness ... When I started the accupuncture treatments
I guess bee venom acupuncture (BVA) has been studied extensively. ".... (BVA) can help improve...
I guess bee venom acupuncture (BVA) ... can help improve musculoskeletal and neuropathic
About 15 years ago, I got off a plane in Singapore and experienced extreme foot pain..hopped...
to a neurologist,,he told me
I had neuropathy ... went on a voyage...tens, blue lazer, acupuncture
Yep we did those from the beginning with the legit Chinese diameter needles and all the...
I also have small fiber neuropathy with ... anything else you did in addition to the acupuncture
I can relate to the pain. I have been battling this for 36 years. This happened...
thoracic nerve palsy and brachial plexus neuropathy ... put in a sock and that is like an acupuncture