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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
4,411 total results
If you are able I would suggest a visit with a neurologist and have them order...
have seen so far have been less than helpful ... suggested that it might be a small fiber neuropathy ... Also, from what I have read small fiber ... neuropathy is idiopathic more than ... time, meaning they don't know what
My large peripheral nerves were damaged by vasculitis. I have pain and the tingling and the...
that happens when you have peripheral neuropathy ... Nothing really helps except I sometimes ... I don’t know what else to say.
Hi! Love your statement about accepting your pain each morning! It is such a good point...
point as there seems to be no cure for neuropathy ... attitude and trying different things to help ... I will continue to share what I try ... in hopes it helps someone else!
I must be the fortunate one. I’m in 900mg, 300mg x 3 and I don’t have...
Remember that with neuropathy you get ... That what neuropathy is. ... Gabapentin does help a lot for me.
Ask your doctor if they can put u on Bupropn, clonazepam and Ropinirole ( at night)....
I have small fiber sensory neuropathy ... along with Autonomic Neuropathy ( hence ... This is what has giving me relief and ... My heart goes out to you because neuropathy ... I hope this helps and gives you some