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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,265 total results
Wow! Just looked up Indiana rules. Are they nuts? Opioids, husband got hurt up there. Back...
Opioids, husband got hurt up there. ... what about people with MS or other painful
lgumerman you need to find a younger ketamine specialist who believes in wafers as some of...
start with, monitor your reaction, pain ... mentality annoys the hell out of me for pain-related ... On an opioid, I get 3 hours of relief ... will be glad when an alternative to opioids
I agree, split dose worked for me too. I was only 9 days into this new...
startled awake with return of the pain ... Two months later, I am still pain free ... still there, the true test...the 2 am pain ... intended as an antagonist to treat opioid ... that Naltrexone works to keep the pain
Good evening @koleke. That is just not acceptable.......I wonder what went wrong. My memory reminds me...
also discussed medical cannabis for pain ... scary to me to think about increasing opioids ... your surgeon for assistance if the pain
Thank you for your response. This is very helpful. Tomorrow will be my 1-year anniversary of...
Like you I am in more pain than before ... I have been on pain meds up until last ... My Surgeon wants me to go see a Pain ... 50mg tablets 3 times a day (that are Opioids ... next day I would be in a lot more pain