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443 total results
@chiara58, not sure if this will help with your neuropathy, but I had lingering feelings of...
not sure if this will help with your neuropathy ... several years after my intense chemo…neuropathy ... I tried acupuncture, which did help
Hi, thanks for the invitation to join this support group. Side effects from pazopanib have been...
treatment side effects have caused neuropathy ... My PT guy suggested acupuncture, I am ... get back to where I was before the neuropathy
@bmars. My heart goes out to you. And welcome to this wonderful group. My first thought...
first thought was, have you tried acupuncture ... horrible joint aches in my hips, and neuropathy
I want to know the answer to this also because I stopped the acupuncture after a...
to this also because I stopped the acupuncture ... just the process and eventually the neuropathy
Thank you to @colleenyoung for tagging me on this. I appreciate the invitation. @sheridanb , I'm...
gabapentin, which is designed to help with neuropathy ... physical therapy, occupational therapy, acupuncture