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2,760 total results
How sad I'm so sorry to hear this. It took me a year to walk normal...
Mine presented as a low b vitamin and ... d vitamin deficiency my parents were ... low d vitamins. ... #34;methyl folate" "methyl b12& ... #34; and high doses of b6 and vitamin
Posted: Jul 18 1:20pm
Have your doctor check your B6 level. I went through the same thing for 7 years...
Have your doctor check your B6 level ... before a new neurologist checked, my B6 ... We stopped the vitamins and my neuropathy
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Sep 4 1:40pm
I have posted quite a bit around here about my constipation that started in the summer...
I was diagnosed with Vitamin B12 deficiency ... others know so they can be tested for B12
Support Group: Digestive Health
Posted: Aug 30 4:45am