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555 total results
@mamie as long as you and your doctor are comfortable with the PT you are arranging,...
would think an inexpensive elasticized brace ... I used one when my knee was bad prior
@jakedduck1 The lidocaine I got on Amazon is called Uber Numb, and I agree that it's...
My right knee just turns to jello. ... repaired it and screwed a permanent ankle brace
The below comes from Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Best to Google Camptocormia and get full background. May...
Got my back brace at Hangar Clinic in ... head and body bent forward and the knees
I do Lady! Go to hear from you! I got a new laptop two weeks ago...
took my grandson to the dirt track races ... It's down in my knee now.
I had both knees replaced 10 years ago. Best thing I ever did at the time....
I had both knees replaced 10 years ago ... I was very active and my knees wore ... dropped and I am 80 % numb below my knees ... I have little balance and need braces ... I think the knee replacements had some